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Exhibition Overview

  • 2016 코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포 (Korea Smart Grid Expo 2016)
  • 2016년 10월 5일(수)~10월 7일(금), 3일간
  • 서울 코엑스 Hall A(1층)
  • 산업통상자원부
  • 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스
  • 전시품목
    스마트 커뮤니케이션 장비/기술
    • AMI, Smart Meter, DCU, MDMS, IHD, Smart Meter용 배터리
    • 스마트 가전기기, 대기전력차단기, 스마트 플러그
    • ZigBee, PLC통신, WiFi, RF
    • HAN 연계 Devices, AMR, 각종 Sensors
    • IoT(사물인터넷)기기/장비/기술
    스마트 ICT Solutions
    • HEMS, BEMS, FEMS, CEMS, Home Network Systems
    • Demand Response Open ADR
    • Cloud 서비스, Big Date 서비스
    • 보안솔루션, Software, Applications, 기타 스마트 ICT Systems/서비스
    스마트 송배전장비/기술
    • HVDC, 초전도 케이블, 전압조정기, 인버터, 전력반도체
    • 스마트 차단기, 스마트 분전반, 스마트 배전반
    • EV충전기(급속, 완속, 홈충전기) EV 충전서비스, EV충전SW, V2G
    • 고장진단 서비스, 원격감시 시스템, 기타 스마트 송배전기기/장비/기술
    에너지저장장치 인프라/기술
    • ESS, PCS, PMS, BMS, Capacitors, 이차전치
    스마트 Power Generation Systems
    • 분산전원, 연료전지, 태양광발전 시스템, 태양열 발전 시스템
    • 풍력발전 시스템, 소수력발전 시스템, 열병합발전 시스템
    • 바이오메스발전 시스템, 히트펌프 시스템
    • LED, ZERO하우스/빌딩, 스마트 팩토리, 에너지신산업 컨설팅 등

    특별관(2016 New Line-Up)

    특별관(2016 New Line-Up)
    확산사업 홍보관
    • LS산전, KEPCO, POSCO ICT, KT, SKT, 짐코, 현대오토에버, 수완에너지 컨소시엄
    에너지자립섬 특별관
    • 에너지 자립섬 추진 지자체 및 참여 컨소시엄
  • Interbattery, 한국전기산업대전, EV Seoul

Energy Plus?

에너지 분야 신성장 아이템의 모든것을 선보이는 아시아 대표 에너지 산업전으로 Korea Samrt Grid Expo 2016와 EV Seoul, InterBattery, 한국전기산업대전이 동시에 개최되어 시너지 효과를 발휘합니다


주관 : 한국전기산업진흥회, 한국전력공사, 발전6개사

전시품목 : 발전기자재

Korea Smart Grid Expo

주관 : 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스

전시품목 : 스마트그리드


주관 : 한국전지산업협회, 코엑스

전시품목 : 이차전지

EV Seoul

주관 : 코엑스

전시품목 : 전기차



Booth layout


참가업체 리스트

Exhibitor List


컨퍼런스 프로그램

Conference program

컨퍼런스 프로그램
일정 주제 연사
일자 시간
(코엑스 컨퍼런스룸 (남)317호)
개 회 식
10:00~10:05(05’) 개회선언 사회자
10:05~10:15(10’) 개 회 사 구자균 협회장
10:15~10:30(15’) 유공자 포상 산업부
10:30~10:40(10’) 환 영 사 산업부
10:40~11:10(30’) 에너지신산업 비즈니스 모델과 정책과제 에너지신산업추진위원회
(김희집 공동위원장)
11:10~11:50(40’) 글로벌 에너지시장 현황과 스마트그리드 확산 전망 블룸버그 뉴 에너지 파이낸스
(Ali lzadi-Najafabadi, Head of Japan office)
11:50~13:30(100’) 점심시간 -
에너지신산업 해외 프로젝트 현황
13:30~14:00(30’) 인도의 마이크로그리드 프로젝트 및 기회 Shakira Enterprises in India
(Sanjay Verma, Director)
14:00~14:30(30’) 스마트그리드 기반 에너지신산업 모델과 해외협력추진 전략 한국전력공사
(황우현 단장)
14:30~15:00(30’) 아시아 전력산업 환경과 수요반응제도
- 한국, 일본, 대만 사례를 중심으로
(박서영 상무, 한국지사)
15:00~15:10(10’) Coffee Break -
에너지신산업 금융 활용 기회
15:10~15:40(30‘) IFC의 전력분야 글로벌 투자 현황 및 기회 국제금융공사(IFC) of 세계은행(WB)
(Ramamohan Mahidhara, Chief of Investment)
15:40~16:20(30’) 국내금융을 활용한 해외에너지 신산업 프로젝트
- 해외 사례 & 금융 활용 방안
(임진호 발전담수팀 차장)
국내 에너지신산업의 세계화 전략
16:10~16:40(30’) 전력신산업 해외진출을 위한 시장과 기회 EY한영
(허윤재 매니져)
16:40~17:10(30’) 중소·중견기업의 에너지신산업 해외진출 전략 이엔테크놀로지(주)
(이태식 대표이사)
17:10 폐 회 -



Speaker introduction

  • 연사 이미지1
    JaKyun Koo
    Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association
    Chairman & CEO, LSIS
    • 2010 ~ 2012

      Vice Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation

    • 2014

      Vice Chairman, Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

    • 2009

      Council Member, National Standardization (Currently)

    • 2009

      Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association (Currently)

    • 2009

      Vice Chairman, CIGRE Korea National Committee (Currently)

    • 2008

      Vice Chairman, Korea Electrical Manufacturers Association (Currently)

    • 2008

      Board Member, Korea Standards Association (Currently)

  • 연사 이미지2
    Heejip Kim
    co-chairman of the Energy New Business Committee of MOTIE with the Second Vice Minister
    Currently working as the co-chairman of the Energy New Business Committee of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) with the Second Vice Minister
    Currently teaching the National Energy Policy at Seoul National University as a visiting professor
    Currently working as a member for several Korean Government committees
    - Working as a member of the Gas Demand/Supply Committee
    - Working as a member of the Electricity Demand/Supply Committee
    - Working in the Green Growth Committee under the Prime Minister Office
    Served in the National Economy Advisory Committee for the President of Korea
    Worked for Accenture, a global consulting firm, for 26 years specializing in Business Strategy mainly on the Energy industry.
    - Worked for 10 years in New York City and for 16 years in Seoul
    - Served as Accenture’s Asia-Pacific Energy Industry Lead
    - Served as the Country Managing Director (CEO) of Accenture Korea and Accenture Korea Resources Client Service Group
    - Provided Business Consulting services to leading companies such as Samsung, SK, POSCO, LG, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS), Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), National Tax Service, etc.
    MBA from University of Texas at Austin
    B.A. in Business Administration from Seoul National University
  • 연사 이미지3
    Ali Izadi-Najafabadi
    Head of Japan, Tokyo office, Bloomberg New Energy Finance
    Ali oversees an analyst team covering transformation of Japan’s energy sector. His prior experience includes working at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and the fuel cell manufacturer, Ballard Power Systems. Ali has an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics and a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and a Doctorate in Materials Science from Meijo University.
  • 연사 이미지4
    Sanjay Verma
    Executive Director, Sharika Enterprises Pvt Ltd.
    Sanjay Verma - has been very active as a leader for development of smart grid strategy and deployment. Sanjay is an Electronics engineer and has 23+ years of experience in various functions like projects, vertical specific solutions development, marketing and strategy. Has hands-on experience in various technologies and products ranging from instrumentation, Automation, LV, MV switchgear and protection systems, SCADA and distribution automation.
    Sanjay has developed and deployed numerous pioneering solutions for several industries and utilities in India including NDPL, TATA power, Reliance, HPSEB, MESCOM, BESCOM, ASEB etc. Has been involved in many first time pilots of various Smart Grid Technologies with distribution utilities and holds patents for his development at GE.
    Sanjay has been an active member of various industry associations and smart grid working committees / forums and has been actively participating as panelist / presenting papers / workshops IEEE-SIG for Smart Grids, CII- Smart Grid Task Force, FICCI, India Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), India Green Building Council (IGBC), USAID (Eco-III Asia/ADB, PACE-D), SEN 2014 (Smart Energy Networking workshop organized by Korea Smart Grid Association at Seoul & Jeju Island) etc.
  • 연사 이미지5
    Woohyun Hwang
    Senior Vice Pesident, the Head of Innovative Energy Business Division in KEPCO
    Dr. Hwang Woohyun is a Senior Vice Pesident, the Head of Innovative Energy Business Division in KEPCO. He studied electrical engineering at Chung-Ang University and finished his doctorial thesis in 2009 at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Industrial and Information System, Graduate School of IT policy and researched data mining.
    He worked on distribution department since joining KEPCO in 1986. From 1986 to 2007, he exploited distribution planning and maintenance system especially dstribution automation system at the head office. In 2008, as a Technology Policy & Planning Dept team Director General, he planned a Smart Grid project with the government, developed test-bed and various business models and applications. From 2009 until present, he has been working on new energy businesses such as microgrid, ESS, AMI, EVC, SG, and etc.
    He received the Excellence Award two years in a row(2015, 2016) in the International Smart Grid Technology Evaluation Competition organized by ISGAN(International Smart Grid Action Network) and GSGF(Global Smart Grid Federation) for contribution of innovative Smart Grid Technology.
    Currently he is serving as a CEO of ‘Solar School Plant’ and ‘HeeMang Sunlight Power’, a member of the board of directors at a number of new energy businesses as well as a chairperson of Smart Grid Research.
  • 연사 이미지6
    Seoyoung Park
    Senior Manager, Enernoc Korea.
    Seoyoung is senior manager of professional service at Enernoc Korea. In this capacity, she leads the professional service team and delivers the Enernoc's value to customers. She joined Enernoc Korea as a BDM at the beginning and changed her position for managing professional service team.
    Before joining Enernoc, Seoyoung served over 10 years as a management consultant in CVA, a French strategy management consulting firm, Nemo Partners, a top level local one and Accenture, a global top level one.
    She has had a vast experiences in new business development strategy, Operational efficiency, customer relationship management as well as M&A advisory, etc.
    Seoyoung finished the coursework in business school and has a BS in business administration in Seoul national university.
  • 연사 이미지7
    Ram Mahidhara
    International Finance Corporation
    As part of IFC’s Global Client Service team, Ram Mahidhara provides dedicated coverage to a select group of Asia-based infrastructure clients whose collective revenues exceed US$140 billion. Ram is responsible for leading IFC’s engagement with these clients at the CEO/Chairman/Board/C-Suite level and has overall accountability for strategy, profitability and impact with each client.
    Prior to starting his current position, Ram was based in Johannesburg, South Africa where he managed IFC’s assets in Infrastructure, TMT and Natural Resources in sub-Saharan Africa. In that capacity, Ram oversaw a portfolio of over 100 assets with about US$2.5 billion of investments for IFC's own account across 27 countries.
    Ram has been with IFC since late 1997 and worked with IFC's operational strategy group and the global infrastructure group in Washington DC, prior to moving to Johannesburg in 2006. During his career at IFC, Ram has worked on a variety of new business and portfolio projects in transportation, logistics, power, telecom and mining in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
    Before joining IFC, Ram worked for Amoco Corporation and the Regional Economics Applications Lab, both in Chicago, for roughly four years each.
    Ram has a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin.
  • 연사 이미지8
    Jinho Im
    Senior Manager at K-sure(Korea Trade Insurance Corporation)
    Jinho Im has been in charge of providing financial support for generation and desalination projects in K-sure since 2014 and participated in serveral transactions in Vietnam, Indonesia, Egypt and United Kingdom. He started his professional career at K-sure in 2007, and worked on Research department, Public relations department and Generation & Desalination team etc. He received his bachelor’s degree in Economics from Seoul National University.
  • 연사 이미지9
    Vince Heo
    International Development Manager, Ernst&Young Advisory
    Yoonjae (Vince) Heo is a Manager in International Development Advisory team at Ernst & Young. With his current role, he conducts policy research and economic assessment in the area of clean energy and energy efficiency advising governments, international organizations, and private sector. He worked in Procter & Gamble and Bloomberg prior to Ernst & Young. He received a MSc in environmental policy and regulation from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and BA in Agricultural Economics from Seoul National University.
  • 연사 이미지10
    TaySeek Lee
    CEO of EN Technologies Inc.
    Tay Seek Lee is a clean energy professional with more than two decades of industry experience in energy storage systems, EV chargers, plasma power supply, and power switchgear. His expertise is in project developing, engineering, designing, and system integration. His prior experience includes working as a business development advisor, consultant, and technical advisor. From 2012 to 2013, he lectured at Catholic Kwandong University as professor. Tay received his BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, MA in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University and MBA from Long Island University. He completed the Strategy and Entrepreneurship in the IT Industry Program at Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Currently, he is working as the CEO of EN Technologies Inc. founded in 2003 and is engineering power solutions for major OEMs and utilities. Our core expertise is in power electronics. Major business lines of EN Technologies Inc. is energy storage systems for frequency regulation by utilities, peak energy management by residential and commercial customers, DC Plasma power supplies for thin film processes for LCD and LED displays, semiconductors and touch panel screens.




Korea Smart Grid Expo 2016 Results


  • Korea Smart Grid Expo 2016
  • 서울, 코엑스 A홀 (10,368 sqm)
  • 2016.10.5(수) - 7(금)
  • 산업통상자원부


  • InterBattery [이차전지]
  • EV Seoul [전기차]
  • 한국전기산업대전 [전력기자재]
  • 국제기후변화엑스포

참가 규모


참관 규모


주요 참가업체

주요 참가업체

주요 참관객

주요 참관객
업체명 부서명 참관인원
(주)효성 엔지니어링팀, 프로세스사업팀, 전장영업팀, 특수기설계팀, 솔루션사업팀, 전장설계팀, 기획관리팀, 중전영업팀, 경영혁신팀, 창원공장 전장설계팀, 해외영업팀, Power grid integration 팀, 화학사업부, 전력영업팀 등 175
현대중공업 배전기기연구실, 회전기기연구실, 전기전자시스템사업본부 등 170
KT ICT팀, 기업통신사업부, 융합기술원, 에너지효율화사업팀, 글로벌에너지사업팀, 융합IT팀, 경영기획부, 신재생에너지사업팀, IT투자기획팀 등 165
LG CNS CE 사업팀, 발전신사업팀, 하이테크사업본부, SGT 사업본부, 컨버전스 엔지니어링, 엔지니어링 서비스팀, 스마트그린솔루션연구소, 디지털방송사업팀, LGC 자동화팀, 엔지니어링 CI팀 등 148
삼성SDI 영업기획그룹, 에너지랩, Battery연구소, 전자사업그룹, ESS마케팅, Cell 사업팀, Battery device lab 등 378
삼성전자 생활가전사업부, 인프라기술센터, 의료기기사업부, 전략마케팅팀, B2B영업팀, 에너지랩, Matereial 연구센터 등 138
LG 화학 전지사업부, 양극재생산기술팀, CRD연구소, 전자재료기획팀, Battery 연구소, 하이테크사업본부, 혁신전지PJT 등 133
LG 전자 L&E 연구센터, 이노베이션사업센터, B2B 홀솔루션 Task, 시스템수주담당 Solar Biz팀, AE 사업담당, ESS개발팀, LTO 자동차부품센터, 전기소자구매팀, GUI, CEM SA사업실, 컨버전스연구소, MC부품개발담당, 칠러영업팀 등 119
SK 이노베이션 BATTERY생산기술팀, 전략기획팀, Cell개발팀, ESS사업개발팀 등 130
GS 에너지 전지소재연구소, 사업전략팀, 연구기획관리팀, WTE 사업팀, 경영기획팀, 음극재연구실 등 126