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Exhibition Overview

  • 월드 스마트그리드 산업대전
  • 2011년 11월 16일(수)~18일(금), 3일간
  • Coex Hall D
  • 지식경제부
  • 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스
  • 100개사 330부스
  • (예정) 전기자동차 시승 프로그램, 기술세미나, 상장기업 IR 상담회
  • 스마트그리드 분야별 전문관
    Smart Place
    • Smart Meter, Smart Appliance, Smart Device 및 기타 관련 기술
    지능형 운송
    Smart Transportation
    • 전기차, 충전기, 배터리, 모터, 기타 관련 부품 및 기술
    지능형 신재생에너지
    Smart Renewable
    • 태양광, 풍력, 대용량 저장장치 및 관련 기술
    지능형 전력망
    Smart Powergrid
    • 지능형 전자장치, 배전/변전 자동화시스템 및 관련 기술
    지능형 서비스
    Smart Electricity Service
    • 지능형 요금제, 지능형 수요반응, 지능형 전력거래
    기타 ETC.
    • 관련 Solution 및 보안 관련 기술



Booth layout


참가업체 리스트

Exhibitor List

참가업체 리스트
No. Booth No. Exhibitor name (KOR) Exhibitor name (ENG)


컨퍼런스 프로그램

Conference program

  • 기간
    2011. 11. 16(수) ~ 18(금) 3일간
  • 장소
    코엑스 3층 오디토리움, 코엑스 3층 Hall E, 코엑스 인터컨티넨탈호텔 다이아몬드룸
  • 주최
  • 주관
    한국스마트그리드협회, (재)한국스마트그리드사업단, 코엑스
  • 공식언어
    한국어, 영어 (동시통역 제공)
컨퍼런스 프로그램
일정 주제 연사
일자 시간
11월 16일(수) 11:00~11:30 Korea Smart Grid Week 개회식
- 개회 공연 (10´)
- 개회사: 구자균 ㅣ 한국스마트그리드협회장(5´)
- 환영사: 최중경 ㅣ 지식경제부장관(5´)
- 축사1: 허남석 ㅣ POSCO ICT 사장(5’)
- 축사2: Kilaparti Ramakrishna lUNESCAP동아시아 및 동북아시아 사무소 대표(5’)
(Coex 3F 오디토리움)
11:30~11:40 전시장Opening Ceremony
(Coex 3F D홀)
11:40~12:00 VIP 전시장 관람
(Coex 3F D홀)
12:00~13:00 지식경제부장관 초청 오찬간담회(초청자에 한함)
※SG실증단지 유공자 지식경제부장관 표창 시상식
(Coex 4F 402호)
13:20~14:10 Global Smart Grid deployment : drivers and market potential
Ali Izadil Analyst,New Energy Finance, Bloomberg L.P.
(Coex 3F 오디토리움)
14:10~15:00 초청강연
스마트하게 마음을 움직이는 힘
(Coex 3F 오디토리움)
(명지대교수, 문화심리학박사)
15:00~15:20 Coffee Break
15:20~16:10 기조연설
인문학이 기술에게 묻는다
(Coex 3F 오디토리움)
(중앙일보 논설위원)
16:10~17:00 Global Smart Grid Assessment : insufficient particulars and ways for improvement
(Coex 3F 오디토리움)
Fujimori Reiichiro
(일본 전력/에너지전문 저널리스트)
17:00~17:30 스마트그리드 정책 추진방향
(Coex 3F 오디토리움)
(지식경제부 에너지산업정책관)
18:00~20:00 공식만찬 (초청자에 한함)
11월 17일(목)
(국제 스마트그리드 표준협력 컨퍼런스)
09:20~09:30 환영사
(Coex 3F E홀)
Session 1 SG 표준화 코디네이터
09:30~09:50 한국의 SG표준화 프레임워크 개발현황 및 적용방안
(Coex 3F E홀)
(기술표준원, SG표준화 코디네이터)
09:50~10:10 미국의 SG표준화프레임워크 개발현황 및 적용방안
(Coex 3F E홀)
George Arnold
(National Coordinator for SG Interoperability, NIST)
10:10~10:30 유럽의 SG표준화 이슈 및 향후 진행방향
(Coex 3F E홀)
Johannes Stein
(SG Coordination Group, EU)
10:30~10:50 토론
10:50~11:05 Coffee Break
11:05~11:25 기조연설
(Coex 3F E홀)
Richard Schomberg
(Chairman, IEC SMB SG3)
Session 2 SG 국가별 이슈
11:25~11:45 일본의 SG표준화 추진방향 및 계획
(Coex 3F E홀)
Koichi NODA
(Director Assessment Policy Division, METI)
11:45~12:05 중국의 SG표준화 추진방향 및 계획
(Coex 3F E홀)
Changyi LIU
(Division Director, Strategy and GeneralDivision, SGCC)
12:05~12:25 독일의 SG표준화 추진방향 및 계획
(Coex 3F E홀)
Johnnes Stein
(Converor Working Group Sustainable Processes, Division Manager Standard,DKE)
12:25~12:45 토론
12:45~14:00 점심
14:00~14:20 기조연설
(Coex 3F E홀)
Les Brown
(Chaiman, ITU-T Focus Group on SG)
Session 3 SG 기업별 이슈
14:20~14:40 중국의 Solar City 현황과 표준화 전략
(Coex 3F E홀)
Huang Ming
(Board Chairman, China himin Solar Company)
14:40~15:00 스마트 프로슈머 현황과 표준화
(Coex 3F E홀)
(삼성전자, STE팀, 책임)
15:00~15:20 Coffee Break
15:20~15:40 표준화 전략과 실행
(Coex 3F E홀)
Scott Henneberry
(Vice president, Schneider Electric)
15:40~16:00 에너지관리 시스템 전략 및 표준화
(Coex 3F E홀)
Richard Guo
(Managing Consultant Global Center of Competency forEnergy & Utilities IBM Global Delivery Center, IBM)
16:00~16:20 토론
11월 18일(금)
(SG실증단지Case Study & 전력시장 및 규제 국제심포지엄)
09:00~09:30 Smart Place분야 - 우수 구축 사례발표
(Coex 3F E홀)
(LG전자 환경전략실장)
09:30~10:00 Smart Transportation분야 - 우수 구축 사례발표
(Coex 3F E홀)
(SK이노베이션 스마트그리드팀장)
10:00~10:30 Smart Renewables분야 - 우수 구축 사례발표
(Coex 3F E홀)
(포스코ICT 스마트그리드추진단장)
10:30~10:50 Coffee Break
10:50~11:20 Smart Grid, Smart City project
(Coex 3F E홀)
George Maltabarow
(Managing Director, Ausgrid)
11:20~12:00 기조연설
Smart Grid: Enabler of the New Energy Economy
(Coex 3F E홀)
Guido Bartels
(General Manager Global Energy & Utilities Industry, IBM / Chairman, GSGF)
12:00~12:30 Power Grid분야- DMS개발성과 및 실용화전략
(Coex 3F E홀)
(Chief Researcher, KEPCO Research Institute)
12:30~12:45 지능형전력망법 시행에 따른 업계 대응방향
(Coex 3F E홀)
(지식경제부 전력진흥과 사무관)
전력시장 및 국제심포지엄
14:00~14:07 환영사
(지식경제부 전기위원회 위원장)
14:07~14:15 축사
(국회 지경위 위원장)
14:15~15:00 완전 자유화된 시장 안에서의 스마트 시스템 구축 활성화 :신재생에너지 정책의 필요성
Jorge Vasconcelos
(뉴에너지 솔루션 대표, 前 유럽에너지규제위원회 의장)
15:00~15:45 에코도시와 에너지 관리 (프랑스 사례)
Michel Augonnet
(佛 CIGRE 위원장, Alstom Grid 수석부사장)
15:45~16:00 Coffee Break
16:00~16:45 스마트그리드와 전력 사업의 혁신 (미국사례)
Marc Spitzer
(미연방 에너지규제위원회 커미셔너)
16:45~17:30 스마트 그리드 구현을 위한 새로운 규제 환경 (캐나다 사례)
Peter Fraser
(온타리오 에너지이사회 규제정책처장)
17:30~18:00 패널토의
18:30~20:00 전기위원장 초청 환송만찬 (초청자에 한함)



Speaker introduction

  • 연사 이미지1
    Ja-Kyun Koo
    The Korea Smart Grid Association
    Having been stayed for 10 years in academia as a professor of Business Administration, Ja-Kyun Koo, who turned into a business man in 2005, is leading LS Industrial Systems growth combining management principles with business practices in his corporate management.

    In his inauguration as a new CEO in 2008, he announced LS Industrial Systems will open a new era of growth building global infrastructure with a long-term perspective.

    Accordingly, he selected 'Open Culture' as a new organizational culture and is now concentrating on developing its R&D capability and human resources.

    In addition, he released the corporate vision, 'Green Innovators of Innovation' in shaping the future of LS Industrial Systems providing and completing customers' innovation beyond simply providing customers' value. He also set up long-term business vision achieving sales revenue of 4.5 trillion won and operating profit of 700 billion won.

    Given the nickname 'Green CEO', he will make green business as company's new growth engine achieving more than 40 percent of sales revenue from it in 2015 by investing more than 140 billion won through 2011.

    Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Texas

    M.A. in International Management Studies, University of Texas

    B.A. in Law, Korea University

    Vice Chairman & CEO, LS Industrial Systems

    Vice Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation

    Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association

  • 연사 이미지2
    Choi, Joong-Kyung
    Minister, Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE)
    Choi, Joong-Kung, Minister of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, graduated from Seoul National University with a B.A. and M.A. in Business Administration. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Hawaii, U.S.A.

    After earning his license as a certified public accountant, he began his career with the Ministry of Finance and Economy, starting as Deputy Director. In 1996, he was appointed as Secretary to the Minister of Finance. In 1997, he served as the Director of the Financial Cooperation Division and transferred two years later to the Foreign Exchange Division, continuing his role as Director for the next five months. From 1999 to 2001, he served as Director of the Securities Division and Financial Policy Division. After serving as chief of staff to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Economy for two years, he was promoted to Director General of the International Finance Bureau and Ministry of Finance and Economy in 2003.

    In 2005, he joined the World Bank Group as Executive Director, working outside of the Ministry of Finance and Economy for the first time in his professional career. After serving as Executive Director for almost three years, he earned the honorable title as the first ever Vice Minster of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance in 2008.

    Soon after, he was appointed as the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Republic of the Philippines. Then in 2010, he became Senior Secretary to the President of Economic Affairs, Office of the President. Dr. Choi currently serves as the Minister of Knowledge Economy (MKE).
  • 연사 이미지3
    Nam-Suk Hur

    Sunchon National University, Graduate School
    M.S in Metallurgical Engineering, Class of 1999
    Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering, Class of 2005

    Pusan National University
    B.S in Metallurgical Engineering, Class of 1972
    • 2010. 3~

      Present POSCT ICT, CEO

    • 2008.12

      Vice President, Chief Operating Officer & Chief Technology Officer, POSCO

    • 2008. 2

      Vice President, General Superintendent of Gwangyang Works, POSCO

    • 2006. 2

      Executive Director, General Superintendent of Gwangyang Works, POSCO

    • 2005. 2

      Executive Director, General Superintendent of Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO

    • 2003. 3

      Director of Tech.Development/Intellectual Property/Environment Energy Dept, POSCO

    • 2002. 3

      Vice President, General Superintendent of Gwangyang Works, POSCO

    • 2000. 4

      President Assistant, Ironmaking Department, POSCO

    • 1994.12

      General Manager, Ironmaking Department, POSCO

    • 1974. 8

      Joined POSCO

    Citation of Merit
    • 2011

      Technology Leaders’ Award in the category of ‘Chief Technology Officer’ (Korea Industrial Technology Association)

    • 2005

      Silver Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit (President of Republic Of Korea)

    • 2004

      Technical Prize for The Korean Welding and Joining Society

    • 2002

      Technical Prize for Iron Manufacture division (Chairman of POSCO)

    • 1998

      Silver Prize for Steel Technical division (Korea Iron & Steel Association)

    • 1987

      Excellence Award of the 1st Gwangyang facilities (Commerce Minister)

  • 연사 이미지4
    Kilaparti Ramakrishna
    UNESCAP East Asia and northeast Asia office representative
    Kilaparti Ramakrishna is the Director of United Nations Sub-regional Office for East and North-east Asia.

    He comes to this position from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC).

    At UNEP he was the Principal Policy Advisor to the Executive Director and at WHRC, he was Vice President, Director of Policy and Holder of Sara Shallenberger Brown Chair in Environmental Law and Policy.

    He is a lead author of current assessment (and many before it) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    In addition Ramakrishna taught at a number of law schools including at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Harvard Law School, Boston University and Boston College Law Schools and at Yale University.

    He is an elected life member of the US Council on Foreign Relations and the World Academy of Arts and Sciences.
  • 연사 이미지5
    Dr. Ali Izadi-Najafabadi
    Analyst, New Energy Finance
    Bloomberg L. P.
    Ali Izadi-Najafabadi is a Japan based analyst for Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the world's leading provider of industry information and analysis to investors, corporations and governments in clean energy, low carbon technologies and the carbon markets. His focus is on "Energy Smart Technologies" covering topics such as smart grid and electric vehicles.

    Previously, Ali had co-founded an engineering consulting firm specializing in materials science for clean energy applications. His prior experience also includes working at the Nanotube Research Center of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan, and the fuel cell manufacturer, Ballard Power Systems in Canada.

    Ali holds a Masters in electrical engineering from University of British Columbia and a Doctorate in materials engineering from Meijo University.
  • 연사 이미지6
    Chung-Woon Kim
    Myonggi University Professor, Cultural Psychology, Ph.D
    Professor Chung-Woon Kim received his bachelor's degree in psychology from Korea University. He received master's degree and doctorate in psychology from Freie University of Berlin.

    His prior experiences include working in the Department of Psychology at Freie University of Berlin and for the "New Leisure Policy Forum" in Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism. He currently works as a professor for the Society for Leisure Management at Myongi University, as the Vice President of Society for Leisure and Culture Studies and as the director of the Human Management Institute.
  • 연사 이미지7
    Jin-Hong Jung
    Editorial Writer, Joongang Ilbo
    Mr. Jin-Hong Jung received his bachelor's degree in mass communication and also master's degree and doctorate in mass communication from Sungkyunkwan University. He was the chief presidential secretary at blue house and also working as professor of Korea National University of art. He currently works as an editorial writer of Jungang Ilbo.

    Recently, Mr. Jung appeared on the KBS 1TV program called "Searching G20 Countries" and provided insights and reviewed the economic situations, history and cultural issues.

    In addition, he got the best journalist awards Arts & Cultural Awards in 2010.

    Lastly He is going to tell us "Smart technology will bring innovation and convenience to future generations" in International Smart Grid Conference.
  • 연사 이미지8
    Fujimori Reiichiro
    Energy Journalist
    Date of Birth
    July 1946 (Nagano, Japan)

    1969 Law, Chuo University

    Work Experience
    • 1969

      Japan Electric Association Newspaper Division

      (The electric daily newspaper "The Denki Shimbun")

    • 1987

      Desk in charge of total energy

    • 1997

      Managing editor

    • 1999

      Editorial writer in chief

    • 2009

      Special senior staff writer


    Series of smart grid-related columns in the electric daily newspaper from 2009 through 2010.

    As a freelance journalist in the fields of electric power and energy, published the column "Energy choice" which featured the theme of coal energy serially in the electric daily newspaper since 2010.

    Appear to TV and a radio as a commentator about a Planned Power Outage, Restriction of Use of Electric power, the Basic Energy Plan, the smart grid after the Tohoku Earthquake in March, 2011. TV "Hiruobi(TBS)" "Miyaneya (NTV)", Radio News Tankyu Radio (TBS radio), etc.


    Easy-Learning an Electric Power System

    Nucliearpower : Energy in the Era of of 10 billion - 2002

    Learn easly "Data Communication" 2003

    Elementary Questions of Electricity 2006

    Heat Pumps : Long-Awaited Way out of Global Warming - 2007

    Dr. Okamoto's seminar of electric system - 2008

    The new ruler of the energy, Exergy - 2010

    The future of electricity, Smart Grid - 2011

  • 연사 이미지9
    Kyung-Hwan Toh, Ph.D
    Director General for Energy Industry Policy
    Ministry of Knowledge Economy
    Director General for Energy Industry Policy
    Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Rep. of Korea

    Dr. Toh is the Director General for Energy Industry Policy, being responsible for oil, gas, electricity, and coal industry policies in Korea.

    Prior to his current position, Dr. Toh worked at the Presidential Office as the Assistant Secretary in charge of industry and energy policies from the beginning of President Lee Myung-bak government.

    In February 2009, he moved to the Presidential Committee on Green Growth as the Director General for Energy Policies, where he designed the “National Plan for Green Growth, Five-year Implementation Plan”.

    Dr. Toh is an expert on energy and international affairs with his career in Korean Government and international organizations. From 2000 to 2004, he worked for the International Energy Agency (IEA) of the OECD as the Principal Economist in charge of Asian Countries’ cross-border energy issues.

    He graduated from Seoul National University with B.A in Economics and M.A in Public Administration in 1983. He got Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 1996.
  • 연사 이미지10
    Kyung Huh
    Administrator, KATS

    Pusan National University, Rep. of Korea (1979)
    Bachelor degree of Mechanical Design Engineering

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea (1981)
    Master degree of Aeronautical Engineering

    University of Wisconsin Madison, U.S.A. (1999)
    Master degree of Public Administration and Policy Development

    • 2003~2004

      Industrial Complex and Environment Division, MKE (Director)

    • 2004~2005

      Resources Development Division, MKE (Director)

    • 2005~2005

      Energy Efficiency Management Division, MKE (Director)

    • 2005~2006

      Resources Policy Division, MKE (Director)

    • 2006~2006

      Bureau of New Industrial Standards, KATS (Director General)

    • 2006~2007

      SK Research Institute for Management and Economy (Expert Advisor)

    • 2008~2009

      Bureau of Technology and Standards Policy, KATS (Director General)

    • 2009~2010

      Bureau of Emerging Industries, MKE (Director General)

    • 2010~

      Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (Administrator)

  • 연사 이미지11
    Dae Kyeong Kim
    National Standard coordinator for SG, KATS
    Dae Kyeong Kim has been working for Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute since 1987. As a principle researcher of Smart Distribution Research Center at KERI, he is currently responsible for leading many smart grid related projects.

    Domestically, He was the person in charge of the national smart grid roadmap. And, he has been working as the chairman of the Smart Grid Interoperability study group and the national standards coordinator for smart grid.

    Internationally, He is the co-chair of APEC Smart Grid Initiative. As an active speaker and participant on the theme of smart grid, he has been regularly participated in international meeting such as APEC EGNRET, APEC Smart Grid Initiative and Northeast Asia Standards Cooperation Forum and so on.
  • 연사 이미지12
    George Arnold
    National Coordinator for SGInteroperability, NIST
    George Arnold was appointed National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in April 2009. He is responsible for leading the development of standards underpinning the nation’s Smart Grid and also co-chairs the White House National Science and Technology Council’s Smart Grid policy subcommittee. Dr. Arnold joined NIST in September 2006 as Deputy Director, Technology Services, after a 33-year career in the telecommunications and information technology industry.

    Dr. Arnold served as Chairman of the Board of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a private, non-profit organization that coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system, from 2003 to 2005. He served as President of the IEEE Standards Association in 2007-2008 and Vice President-Policy for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2006-2009.

    Dr. Arnold previously served as a Vice-President at Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories where he directed the company’s global standards efforts. His organization played a leading role in the development of international standards for Intelligent Networks and IP-based Next Generation Networks. In previous assignments at AT&T Bell Laboratories he had responsibilities in network planning, systems engineering, and application of information technology to automate operations and maintenance of the nationwide telecommunications network.

    Dr. Arnold received a Doctor of Engineering Science degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Columbia University in 1978. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and has delivered or authored over 100 talks and publications.
  • 연사 이미지13
    Richard Schomberg
    Chairman, IEC SMB SG3
    He is president elect at IEC in charge of “System aspects for energy delivery” and chair the IEC Smart Grid Strategic Group [http://www.iec.ch/zone/smartgrid/]. Recipient of the IEC 2011 Lord Kelvin award. He has designed multimillion dollars complex systems for critical operations. He has been for 6 years Professor of Master degree System Engineering at Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Paris), and Chair of the Intelligrid Architecture and Strategy Committee (Electric Power Research Institute).

    He has been appointed member of the Technology Advisory Board of Southern California Edison Smart Grid and SmartConnect, emeritus member of the US DoE Gridwise Architecture Council.

    He had the responsibility of EDF R&D activities in North America (strategic innovation partnerships with scientific/industrial players). He has been sourcing and transferring innovations to EDF Group in Europe. He is currently in charge of developing the strategy and coordinating Smart Energy Standardization activities across EDF Group.
  • 연사 이미지14
    Koichi NODA
    Director Assessment Policy Division, METI
    Koichi Noda is a Director, Technical Regulations, Standards and Conformity Assessment Policy Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan.

    Mr Noda has successively held a number of significant positions such as a Director to Japan External Trade Organization which also represents the Japan Industrial Standard Committee (JISC) in Geneva, Nuclear Energy Policy Planning in Agency for Natural Resources and Energy; Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry as well as Regional Economic Department and Industrial Policy Group and more.

    Mr Noda has been devoted to energy affairs, technology and industrial policy.

    He has been serving as the present position since 2011 and manages standardization and conformity assessment policy.
  • 연사 이미지15
    Changyi LIU
    Division Director, Strategy and General Affairs Division, SGCC
    Dr. Changyi LIU received his PhD degree on E.E. from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2002. He has been working on power grid planning and investment scheduling issues for nearly 20 years in China’s power sector.

    Now Dr. Liu serves as the division director of the Smart Grid Department at State Grid Corporation of China, primarily focusing on Smart Grid development strategy and standardization.

    Prior to that, he worked at the Strategy & Planning Department in State Grid Corporation of China, responsible for power planning, corporate planning and renewable energy integration issues.
  • 연사 이미지16
    Johannes Stein
    Convenor Working Group Sustainable Processes
    Division Manager Standards
    Age : 46
    Eduction : Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.

    84-90 : University Study: Electotechnology, RWTH Aachen, Germany
    91-97 : University Study: Economics Fern-Uni Hagen, Germany, extra occupa-tional

    Current Tasks
    2009 ? today
    DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN und VDE

    Division Manager Standards

    Manager of the DKE Expertise Centre / Standardization E-Energy / Smart Grids

    Convenor of the Working Group Sustainable Processes within the Smart Grid Coordination Group Member of the Steering Group

    Professional Qualification
    2002 - 2009
    ZVEI Trade association of the electrical and electronic manufacturer industry

    Division Power Engineering and Power capacitors as well as T&D Europe on European Level



    o Power Engineering High Voltage Switchgears, Power Transformers

    o Metering, Power Automation, Smart Grid

    Representation of interest of manufacturer’s on national and European level in front of political and community stakeholders

    Management of committees for technical, legislative and economical topics

    1990 - 2002

    Project Management for Automation and Electrotechnology in the international plant manufacturing ㆍTeam leader for the Project Engineering Division

  • 연사 이미지17
    Les Brown
    ITU-T Focus Group on SG
    Les Brown has over 30 years of experience in the standardization of wire-line data communication technologies, including voice-band modems, DSL modems, and wire-line based home networking. He holds and has held several positions of leadership in ITU-T and the Broadband Forum. This currently includes Associate Rapporteur for ITU-T Study Group 15 Question 4 where he chairs the work on broadband wire-line based home networking transceivers, Chair of their Metallic Transmission working group and member of the Board of Directors of the Broadband Forum, and Chairman of the ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Grid.
    During his career, he has worked for Motorola Codex, Conexant/Mindspeed, Centillium Communications, Texas Instruments, and Infineon Technologies. Most recently, he has been representing Lantiq in their wire-line communications standards activities.
  • 연사 이미지18
    Huang Ming
    Board Chairman, China himin Solar Company
    Mr Huangming, Deputy to the 10th and 11th China National People’s Congress (NPC),Vice President of International Solar Energy Society(ISES), Vice President of Chinese Renewable Energy Society( CRES), Vice President of China Association of Renewable Energy Industry, Professor of Engineering, President of Himin Solar Co,.ltd

    In 2011 he was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize: “Right Livelihood Awards”. In 2010, he came up with the “micro-emission earth strategy” which is consented by mayors and experts from more than 200 cities around the world on the 4th ISCC held in China Solar Valley that created by Mr Huangming. In 2009, he took part in the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen and awarded the “Climate Entrepreneur times hero” by Global Focus.

    In 2007, he was named “The Charity Characters in China” by China Charity Federation. Huangming is regarded as “Ford” in thermal utilization field, and known as “solar-king” by world renewable energy filed. He creates the sustainable development mode for Chinese solar industry, and becomes the first entrepreneur in China to step up the United Nations forum to introduce and spread the Himin mode to the world, which sets a sample for the development of world renewable energy field. His “G (green) energy substitution” strategy is listed on the national renewable energy development plan and for the first time he comes up with the timetable of renewable energy substitution in China, which attracts the focus of the world. Moreover, China Solar Valley he created becomes the template of micro-emission city which carries the theme of sustainable development.

    “For the blue sky and white cloud of later generation, use high-quality product to realize global clean energy substitution” is always the vision of Mr Huangming leading his team.
  • 연사 이미지19
    Dr. Hyoung Kyu Lim
    Senior Manager of STE team, Samsung Electronics
    Dr. Hyoung Kyu Lim received a PhD degree from Seoul National University in 2003. He has been with Samsung Electronics since that time where he is a Senior Manager leading new technology and standards enabling at the Digital Media & Communications R&D Center within Samsung Electronics.

    His major areas of business interest are Machine to Machine (M2M) technologies, standards and new business relevant to major vertical markets including Smart Grid, Smart Home/Building and Connected Consumer Electronics. Dr. Lim is recognized within Samsung for his work in undertaking new technology and business enabling across Global collaborations.

    Dr. Lim has previously worked in IEEE 802.16 standardization, WiMAX Forum Network Working Group, LTE SAE Trial Initiative (LSTI) and Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) Embedded Mobile Program.
  • 연사 이미지20
    Scott Henneberry
    Vice President, Schneider Electric
    Scott Henneberry has 30+ years in the Electrical Industry. During the first 20 years of his career he worked for Siemens, in both Raleigh, NC and Orlando, FL. This encompassed various Marketing and Operational Mgmt positions in the Switchgear and Power Quality fields including Marketing Director for the Substation Automation and Protective Relaying Division. The next five years were spent as an executive officer of Power Measurement, Inc., a small high-tech company in the electrical industry bringing turnkey hardware and software solutions to Utility and Industrial customers in the Power Monitoring field where he was responsible for all aspects of Marketing, Business Development, Strategy and M&A. Since acquisition of PMI by Schneider Electric in 2005 Mr. Henneberry has focused on the strategic aspects of the Power Monitoring & Control business for Schneider, and most recently has been assigned to the global Corporate Strategy Dept of Schneider Electric responsible for defining and coordinating the implementation the Schneider Electric Smart Grid Strategy.
  • 연사 이미지21
    Richard Guo
    Managing Consultant
    Global Center of Competency for Energy & Utilities
    IBM Global Delivery Center
    Professional Profile
    Richard Guo

    Managing Consultant
    Global Center of Competency for Energy & Utilities
    IBM Global Delivery Center, Shanghai, China
    IBM Global Business Services
    Phone: +86-21-6108-4879; Mobile: +86-150-0189-5790
    (T/L: 907-4879) ITN: 61084879
    E-mail: gyguoyi@cn.ibm.com

    Richard is the Managing Consultant at the IBM Global Delivery Center in Shanghai, with the Global Energy & Utilities Center of Competency.

    He is an expert in Power Grid software systems with 10+ years of experience in the Power Systems and SCADA industry. He has built his expertise in software development for the EMS/DMS/CIM Module management/SCADA system and developed his skills in software project management and delivery with PMP certification. He has extensive experience of the EMS/DMS/SCADA software system and deep understanding of utility requirements and demands based on his long-term on-site experience in the power grid control center of the utilities in the Asia-Pacific region.

    Work Experience
    IBM(From 2010 - now)
    Richard joined IBM as Managing Consultant at the IBM Global Delivery Center in Shanghai, with the Global Energy & Utilities Center of Competency.
    Richard works with local account teams, applies specific knowledge of outage management systems and network grid operations, and supports IBM solution activities. As a subject matter expert he provides specialist input into proposals and works with local account teams, and applies specific experience to building smart grid or power generation solutions for clients. Richard also leads and contributes to the creation of IBM points of view on specific smart grid topics, and defines, develops and uses repeatable industry solutions.

    GE (China) Research and Development Center Co. Ltd(From 2005- 2010)

    With GE from Apr 2005 to Apr 2010, Richard Guo held lead roles as Software Engineer and Project Manager.
    Richard led and delivered several global Power Grid software projects. In particular he:

    added new functions to the Power Grid Software systems - SCADA/EMS/DMS,

    led the Circuit Thermal Monitor design and development,

    led the CIM Module Management sub-system upgrade,

    led customer funded software projects for CLP Hong Kong, KEPCO South Korea ,etc. and

    provided technical service to the existing power grid system in Asia-Pacific region.

    Invensys Group:
    (From 2000-2004)
    Invensys Group - Foxboro (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
    Invensys Group - Invensys Software Sydney

    With Invensys Grom from 2000 to 2004, Richard Guo held lead roles as Software Engineer and Project Engineer. He led the software sub-function program design and development for SCADA system. As a project engineer for the Foxboro China team, he delivered several SCADA projects in mainland China.

    Education and Background
    Zhejiang University, China 1996-2000

    Bachelor of Measurement and Control

    Professional Background:

    Instrument Society of America - Student Member 1996-2000

    IEEE Member

    Project Management Institute - certificated PMP 2008 - 2011

  • 연사 이미지22
    Sung Nam Ryoo
    Department Leader
    Sung-nam Ryoo received Ph.D. derees in Materials Engineering from Chungnam National University. While serving as a research professor at Chungnam National University, he has worked with the development of new materials. In Korea Institute of Energy Research and LG Electronics, he was working to develop the fuel-cell. He is currently a Green Strategy Department Leader in LG electronics.

    Green Strategy Department
    Green Strategy Department (renamed in 2011, originally Eco Strategy Team) in 2008 in order to measure global climate change and to spread green management. After the inception of the Green Strategy Team, LG Electronics has achieved a quite exceptional performance in green management. LG Electronics announced its goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and after then LG Electronics has been nominated as the best company in the consecutive 3 years by the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Korea.

    Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University

    M.A. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University

    B.A. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University

    Department Leader, LG Electronics

    Researcher, Korea Institute of Energy Research

    Research Professor, Chungnam National University

  • 연사 이미지23
    Jin Yeong Choi
    General Manager
    SK innovation

    Bachelor of Chemical Engineering in Busan National University, 1987

    Master of Business Administration in Ajou University, 2008


    Advanced Process Control for Crude Refinery process with Micro-computer

    Process retrofit and trouble shooting in Heavy Oil Cracking process

    Technical marketing for Energy Saving of Building and Factory using ESCO

    Member of CDM Council for Public-Private in Ministry of Knowledge Economy

    Member of Green Pathfinder(Export supporting council of green industry) in KOTRA

    Member of Smart Grid Standardization Forum in KATS


    Steam recovery project from industrial waste incinerator in Ulsan city

    LGF and Bio-gas recovery project in Ulsan city

    Heat recovery project for buildings and factories using ESCO fund

    Demo project of CDM Registry Installation with KEMCO

    Demo project of Performance Evaluation for GHG Mitigation with KEMCO

    Solar power plant project in Ulsan Grand Park in Ulsan city

    Business of CHP(Combined Heat and Power) for apartment complex using ESCO

    Execution of Project Design Document for LFG economic analysis in Mokpo city

    Executing of Smart Grid Demonstration Project in Jeju Province, KOREA
    (Smart Transportation, Smart renewable and Smart place areas) [END]

  • 연사 이미지24
    Yong Ha Park
    Smart Grid Business Department Manager
    '87 Bachelor in Electronic Engineering, Hanyang University
    '91 Semiconductor Engineering, M.D, Soongsil University
    '91 Enters POSCO ICT (former POSCON)
    '11 Smart Grid? Business Department Manager??
  • 연사 이미지25
    George Maltabarow
    Managing Director
    George Maltabarow is Managing Director of Ausgrid (formerly EnergyAustralia), a position held since November 2004. He joined EnergyAustralia as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary in February 1999 and prior to becoming MD was General Manager, Network, responsible for planning and operating EnergyAustralia's electricity transmission and distribution networks.

    Ausgrid operates Australia's largest electricity distribution system in NSW. Under George's tenure, EnergyAustralia developed a successful gas and electricity business in Victoria and South Australia in a joint venture with International Power. It also developed one of Australia's largest infrastructure programs aimed at renewal of the Sydney Central Coast and Hunter electricity networks.

    George's former roles included Executive Director of NSW Treasury, where his focus was microeconomic reform, and Deputy Chairman of NSW Treasury Corporation. George is an energy specialist whose career has included utility and policy roles in all sectors of the electricity industry and government energy policy with the former NSW Energy Authority.

    He is a former Chairman and current Board member of the Energy Networks Association of Australia, a Director of the Energy Supply Association of Australia, President of the Electrical and Information Engineering Foundation of the University of Sydney and Member of the CSIRO Sector Advisory Council for Energy and Transport.
  • 연사 이미지26
    Chairman, GSGF
    Guido Bartels heads up IBM’s energy and utilities business globally, which includes the Intelligent Utility Network (IUN) initiative, the company’s portfolio of solutions for the Smart Grid. He is a member of IBM Chairman Sam Palmisano's senior leadership team (“Integration and Values Team”).

    In addition to his IBM responsibilities, Bartels served from 2007-2010 as Chairman of the GridWise™ Alliance (GWA), grew during that period its membership eight fold and led the organization to become a trusted advisor to policymakers and regulators. He assisted several other countries in setting up their national smart grid organizations and with them the GWA founded in 2010 the Global Smart Grid Federation (GSGF). Through consensus building within the international community the GSGF aims to help accelerate the advancement of Smart Grid on a global scale. Bartels was elected to serve as the first Chairman of the GSGF.

    Since its inception in 2007 he co-chaired, along side the U.S. Under Secretary of Energy, three successive editions of the annual GridWeek™ conference in Washington D.C., the largest Smart Grid event in the U.S. In 2010 he also co-chaired with the U.S. Under Secretary of Energy the inaugural GridWise Global Forum in Washington D.C., the first truly global smart grid event.

    Bartels serves a second term as member of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Electricity Advisory Committee (EAC), comprised of 27 of the nation’s top experts in electricity policy, planning and operations. He also serves as Vice Chairman of the New York State Smart Grid Consortium, a key public-private partnership to promote broad statewide implementation of the Smart Grid.

    Bartels is a frequent speaker at industry events, is regularly quoted in major publications and appeared in numerous television programs around the world. In 2009 Earth2Tech ranked Bartels on its ‘Top 15 Smart Grid Influencers’ list and Greentech Media included him on The Networked Grid 100 list, a compiling of the top 100 “Movers and Shakers” of the Smart Grid. In 2010 SmartGridNews.com, a leading smart grid website, performed an online poll on “Who’s Got the Clout? The Smart Grid’s Most Powerful Men” and Bartels ranked number one.

    Bartels, a Dutch citizen, earned an MBA degree in business economics from the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. He is married, has two teenage children and currently lives with his family in Connecticut, U.S
  • 연사 이미지27
    il-Ken Song
    Chief Researcher, KEPCO Research Institute
    Il-Keun Song was born in Daejeon, Korea, 1961. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, in 1984, 1986 and 1997, respectively. He is currently a chief researcher and project leader at Transmission and Distribution Lab. in KEPCO Research Institute. His areas of interest include the smart distribution management system and the lifetime estimation of power distribution facilities.
  • 연사 이미지28
    Lim Tae Seob
    Deputy Director, Smart Grid & Electricity Market Division
    Ministry of Knowledge Economy
    Department of Economics, Seoul National University
    2009-11 ~ 2011 Export and Import division
    2011 Smart Grid & Electricity Market Division, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
  • 연사 이미지29
    Jorge Vasconcelos
    New Energy Solutions (NEWES) / Former President, CEER
    Chairman of NEWES, New Energy Solutions, a company acting in the field of renewable energy in Europe. Consultant to several international organizations (European Commission, World Bank) and national authorities. Member of the Advisory Board of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Invited Professor at the Technical University of Lisbon (MIT-Portugal Programme). Member of the Administrative Board of ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) nominated by the European Parliament. Special Advisor to EU Commissioner Andris Piebalgs.

    First chairman of the Portuguese Energy Regulatory Authority (ERSE - July 1996 to December 2006). Co-founder and first chairman of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER - March 2000 to December 2005). First chairman of the European Regulators’ Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG - October 2003 to December 2005). Co-founder of the Ibero- American Association of Energy Regulatory Authorities (ARIAE). Founder and member of the Executive Committee of the Florence School of Regulation (a joint venture between CEER, the European Commission and the European University Institute). Prior to the regulatory experience, he worked for the European electricity utilities (EURELECTRIC) in Brussels, for AEG in Frankfurt and at several universities in Portugal, Germany and Italy. Member of several national and international advisory committees on energy matters, including scientific organizations, the World Energy Council, the World Forum on Energy Regulation, the City of Lisbon Energy Agency, etc. Author and editor of several books and articles. He graduated in power systems from Porto University and got the Dr.-Ing. degree from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
  • 연사 이미지30
    Michel Augonnet
    President, French National Committee of CIGRE / Senior Vice President, Alstom Gird
    Michel Augonnet has been Senior Vice-President for Commercial Solutions since April 2011. In his position, Michel is a member of the Alstom Grid Executive Committee and reports to Gregoire Poux-Guillaume, President of Alstom Grid.

    Michel Augonnet graduated as an electrical engineer from SUPELEC (Ecole Superieure d’Electricite) and began his career in 1974 at Cegelec Energy Division. After 10 years as Project Manager for a nuclear power station in South Africa, he headed the turnkey hydro power stations department. In 1993, he was appointed Corporate Commercial Director of Cegelec and Vice Chairman of GEC Alstom International.

    In 1996, he became Managing Director of the Energy Systems Group of Cegelec and two years later was appointed Senior Vice President Commercial & Business Development of Alstom Energy responsible for the Sales Organisation and the Projects Groups.

    He took the position of Chief International Operations Officer of ABB ALSTOM POWER in 1999 to build the Sales & Country Organisation of this newly founded company. Two years later, he was appointed Executive Vice President International Sales & Service Country Organisation of Alstom Transmission & Distribution. In 2005, he took the position of Senior Vice President in charge of the Systems Business Unit at Areva T&D, responsible for global deployment of large turnkey transmission and distribution projects.

    During his career, mainly in the field of Power Generation and Transmission, Michel Augonnet has led significant change action and company integration programmes.

    In March 2010 he has been appointed President of the French National CIGRE Committee.
  • 연사 이미지31
    Marc Spitzer
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC)
    Commissioner Marc Spitzer

    Marc Spitzer was nominated by President George W. Bush to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and confirmed by the U.S. Senate for a term expiring June 30, 2011.

    Commissioner Spitzer believes the FERC’s primary missions are to ensure that America’s ratepayers have safe, economic, and reliable supplies of electricity and natural gas; and transparent, robust and competitive wholesale energy markets. Commissioner Spitzer believes that successful regulation of FERC-jurisdictional industries requires a balancing of all competing interests to ensure just and reasonable rates.

    As Chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), he focused on policies encouraging expansion of natural gas infrastructure, specifically distribution and storage; creating a demand side management policy; enhancing the ACC’s renewables standard; and advancing consumer privacy concerns in telecommunications. As Chairman, he established a legacy of balancing competing interests, while ensuring Arizonans received safe, economical and reliable utility services.

    The expansion of and improvements to the bulk transmission system and the nation’s natural gas pipeline system are high priorities for Commissioner Spitzer. He also believes those enhancements are essential to the dispatch of environmentally friendly resources as well as ensuring reliability and efficiency. Commissioner Spitzer also believes that the expanded enforcement authority provided by EPAct 2005 will help deter market manipulation and other anticompetitive behavior and will enhance FERC’s ability to appropriately penalize those who are culpable.

    Commissioner Spitzer was elected in 2000 to the ACC and in 2002 was elected Chairman by his colleagues. He received recognition for his leadership of the Arizona Commission from 2003-2005.

    At the FERC, Commissioner Spitzer is building on his record in Arizona on environmental issues. Demand response, energy efficiency, and access to the grid by alternative resources were major focuses of Commissioner Spitzer in retail rate cases and policy decisions before the Arizona Commission. Commissioner Spitzer believes that EPAct 2005 supports his commitment to those issues, which are germane to both Federal and State regulators.

    In 1992, after many associations with civic, philanthropic and political causes, he was elected to the Arizona State Senate for District 18. Commissioner Spitzer served in the Legislature as Chair of the Judiciary and Finance Committees and was elected by his peers to the position of Senate Majority Leader in 1996.

    Commissioner Marc Spitzer BIO

    As an attorney since 1982, Commissioner Spitzer represented taxpayers in proceedings involving the Internal Revenue Service. He was first certified as a Specialist in tax law by the Arizona Bar in 1987.

    Commissioner Spitzer was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and grew up in Philadelphia.

    After graduation from Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, he attended the University of Michigan, School of Law.

    Commissioner Spitzer considers his greatest accomplishments political or otherwise, his marriage to the former Jacqueline Raub of Phoenix and his son, Bennett Alexander.
  • 연사 이미지32
    Peter Fraser
    Acting Managing Director, Regulatory Policy
    Ontario Energy Board
    Peter Fraser is Acting Managing Director of Regulatory Policy, at the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), the energy regulator in the province of Ontario, Canada. Prior to joining the OEB in 2004, Peter worked for six years at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, France, as senior electricity policy advisor. In that capacity, he reviewed the electricity sector of Korea in two publications, Regulatory Reform in Korea (OECD, 2000), and Energy Policies of IEA Countries - Republic of Korea (IEA, 2002) and authored the study Distributed Generation in Liberalised Electricity Markets (IEA, 2002). He continues his involvement with the IEA to this day, acting as peer reviewer to the annual World Energy Outlook, and as a contributor to the IEA/NEA study, Projected Costs of Generating Electricity (IEA/NEA, 2010). Prior to working at the IEA, Peter spent nearly nine years as energy policy advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Energy.

    Peter holds master’s degrees in physics from Queen’s University and in environmental studies from York University and a BSc in physics from the University of Toronto.




Korea Smart Grid Expo 2011 Results


  • 2011 월드 스마트그리드 산업대전 (World Smart Grid Expo 2011)
  • 서울 코엑스 Hall D
  • 2011년 11월 16일(수) ∼ 18일(금), 3일간
  • 지식경제부

참가업체 만족도

전시회 참가만족도

참관객 관람목적


참관객 관심분야

