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Exhibition Overview

  • 2015 코리아 스마트그리드 엑스포 (Korea Smart Grid Expo 2015)
  • 2015년 10월 20일(화)~10월 22일(목), 3일간
  • 서울 코엑스 Hall A(1층)
  • 산업통상자원부
  • 스마트그리드협회, 코엑스
  • 스마트그리드 분야별 전문관

    스마트그리드 분야별 전문관
    AMI 기업관
    • Smart Meter, MDMS, DCU, M2M, ESI(Energy Service Interface, Smart plug, Smart socket, Smart Appliance, WAN, HAN, NAN, 통신인프라(PLC, WiFi, Zigbee, RF)
    ESS 기업관
    • ESS, ESS-PCS, BMS, 배터리 모듈, 전력콘덴서, 배터리 충방전기, ESS-EMS, Smart Meter용 전지, 신재생에너지 발전원 PCS
    EV충전인프라 기업관
    • 완속충전기, 급속충전기, 홈충전기, 비접촉식충전, 전지교환방식, V2G, PCS, On-Board Charger, 충전운영시스템, 과금시스템, 인터넷빌링, 전기차 렌트, 카쉐어링

    전문 기업관

    전문 기업관
    Micro Grid 기업관
    • 분산전원(신재생에너지, 열병합발전기 등), ESS, Micro Grid용 PCS, Micro Grid Network Gateway, STS(Static Tranfer Swith), Micro Grid 운영시스템
    x-EMS 기업관
    • CEMS(Cummunity Energy Management System), HEMS, BEMS, FEMS, Smart Industry
    보안 기업관
    • 사이버보안, 통합운영센터와 기간시스템 연계구간 보호, 정보통신망보호, 정보시스템보호, 컨소시엄운영센터와 기기연계구간 보호
    전력IT 전문기업관
    • SCADA, BMS, HVDC, Smart 전력기기, Smart 분전반, Switch, Inverter, Heat Pump
    정보통신IT 전문 기업관
    • Communication Unit, Home Wireless System, Intelligent Home Appliance, HAN related Device, Mobile Data Control Service
    DR 전문 기업관
    • RTP(Real Time Price) 기반 전력판매서비스, 수요반응 자원관리 서비스, 용량 DR시장참여 중계사업 등 수요 반응 자원을 활용한 비즈니스

    확산사업 홍보관

    확산사업 홍보관
    • LS-LG, KEPCO, POSCO ict, KT, SKT, 짐코, 현대오토에버, 현대중공업 컨소시엄

    전기자동차 특별관

    전기자동차 특별관
    • 전기자동차, 전기스쿠터, 전기자전거, 전기자동차 개조차
  • Interbattery, 한국전기산업대전

Energy Plus?

에너지의 ‘발전-저장-전송’에 이르기까지 에너지의 모든 것을 선보이는 아시아 대표 에너지 산업전으로 Korea Smart Grid Expo 2015와 Interbattery, 한국전기산업대전이 동시에 개최되어 시너지 효과를 발휘합니다


주관 : 한국전기산업진흥회, 한국전력공사, 발전6개사

전시품목 : Power Generation

Korea Smart Grid Expo 2015

주관 : 한국스마트그리드협회, 코엑스

전시품목 : Power Storage/Saving

Korea Battery Business Insider InterBattery 2015

주관 : 한국전지산업협회, 코엑스

전시품목 : Power Transmission/Distribution



Booth layout


참가업체 리스트

Exhibitor List


컨퍼런스 프로그램

Conference program

  • 기간
    2015. 10. 20 ~ 10. 22 (3일간)
  • 장소
    코엑스 3층 컨퍼런스룸(남) 318호
  • 장소
    한국어, 영어 (동시통역 제공)
컨퍼런스 프로그램
일정 주제 연사
일자 시간
(KSGA-IEEE Joint Workshop)
14:00~14:10(10’) 환영사 구자윤
(스마트그리드표준화포럼, 위원장)
14:10~14:50(40’) Encouraging Innovation Through Standards Development Noelle Humenick
(IEEE, Senior Manager)
14:50~15:30(40’) 국내 분산자원 기술기준 및 표준 현황 조성수
(한전 전력연구원, 책임연구원)
15:30~16:10(40’) IEEE 1547, 2030 표준 현황 Paul Heitmann
(Businovation LLC, President)
16:10~16:30(20’) Coffee Break / Networking
16:30~16:50(20’) 국내 AMI 및 EV 상호운용성 시험인증 방안
이정구 :
권순렬 :
AMI 이정구
(한국정보통신기술협회, 네트워크시험인증단 팀장)
16:50~17:10(20’) EV 권순렬
(한전 KDN, SG 사업개발팀장)
17:10~17:50(40’) IEEE Power Grid 2050 비전 Georges Simard
(S.I.M.A.R.D. SG Inc, President)
17:50~18:00(10’) Q&A
(국제 스마트그리드 컨퍼런스)
Opening Ceremony
10:00~10:10(10’) 개회사 구자균
(한국스마트그리드협회, 회장)
10:10~10:15(5’) 한-아일랜드협회 MOU 체결 -
10:15~10:30(15’) 유공자 포상 산업통상자원부
10:30~10:40(10’) 환영사 산업통상자원부
한국의 스마트그리드 어제, 오늘 그리고 내일
10:40~11:00(20’) 스마트그리드 활성화를 위한 정책 추진계획 산업통상자원부
11:00~12:00(60’) 스마트그리드, 한단계 도약을 위한 과제와 개선방향
김대경 :

패널 :
문승일 :
황우현 :
김성훈 :
성한호 :
주제발표 :
김대경 (한국스마트그리드사업단, 전문위원)

패널 :
문승일 (서울대 기초전력연구원, 원장)
황우현 (한국전력공사, SG&신사업처장)
김성훈 (KT, 상무)
성한호 (남전사, 실장)
12:00~13:30(90’) Lunch
스마트그리드 해외시장 진출
13:30~14:10(40’) 글로벌 주요 시장/정책 이슈 및 사업화 방향 Paddy Turnbull
(GSGF, Chairman)
14:10~14:30(20’) 한전의 스마트그리드 해외진출 추진전략 황우현
(한국전력공사, SG&신사업처장)
14:30~14:50(20’) 중동지역 스마트그리드 및 Smart City 추진현황 Marco C. Janssen
(DEWA, Director of SG PMO)
14:50~15:00(10’) Coffee Break
15:00~15:30(30’) 일본의 세계시장 진출사례 및 전략 Sayaka Shishido
(NEDO, Chief Officer)
15:30~16:00(30’) 유럽의 추진현황과 시장기회 Heiko Staubitz
(독일무역투자청, Head of T/FSG)
16:00~16:30(30’) 중남미 스마트그리드 시장 현황과 케이스 Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho
(미주개발은행, Sustainable Energy Lead Specialist)
16:30~17:00(30’) [Technical Issue] 기술경쟁력 확보를 위한 상호운용성 인증 전략 Paul Heitmann
(Businovation LLC, President)
(국제 마이크로그리드 컨퍼런스)
10:30~11:00(30’) 미국 Micro Grid 사업 추진 경과 및 향후 전망 Kerry Cheung
(미국 DOE, Program Manager and Technical Advisor)
Micro Grid 시장전망 및 경제성 확보 요건
11:00~12:00(60’) Micro Grid의 시장전망 및 각국 정부정책 Mike Wilks
(Ernst&Young, Director)
ESS in Micro Grid I-Chun Hsiao
(BNEF, Analyst)
12:00~13:00(60’) Lunch
Energy for All 관점의 Micro Grid 사업기회
13:00~14:40(100’) 인도 전력공급 현황 및 미전화 지역에 대한 전략 Reji Kumar Pillai
(India Smart Grid Forum, President)
필리핀 전력공급 현황 및 미전화 지역에 대한 전략 Fely V. Arriola
(ADB, Access to Energy Expert)
공적기금의 개도국 전력공급 사업현황 및 사례 다운로드 Woo-Yul Lee
(ADB, Energy Specialist)
14:40~15:10(30’) 미국 Micro Grid 구축 사례 및 기술적 이슈 Ryan Wartena
(Geli, CEO)
15:10~15:40(30’) 하와이 Micro Grid 구축 사례 Chip Palombini
(Dynapower, Sales Manager)
15:40~15:50(10’) Coffee Break
15:50~16:10(20’) 국내 Micro Grid 구축 사례 및 기술적 이슈 윤준일
(효성, 부장)
16:10~17:00(50’) 개도국 마이크로그리드 시장 진출 전략
(인도, 필리핀, 말레이시아 등)
주제발표 :
(EY한영, 국제개발팀장)

패널 :



Speaker introduction

  • 연사 이미지1
    Noelle Humenick
    Senior Manager, IEEE
    Noelle Humenick is Senior Manager, Community Engagement, at the IEEE Standards Association. Over the past 18 years she has helped to drive the growth of the IEEE-SA community engagement platform, holding various strategic positions of increasing responsibility across the organization. Most recently, she has undertaken various thought leadership initiatives, including acting as a spokesperson for the Open Stand initiative (open-stand.org).
  • 연사 이미지2
    Seong-Soo Cho
    Principal Research Engineer, KEPCO Research Institute
    Dr. Cho is Principal Research Engineer, MicroGrid Research & Business Development Center at Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) Research Institute.
    His research interests are interconnection of DGs and active voltage control in distribution system.
    He has various research experiences in distribution system for over 20 years.
    He participated in Smart Renewables of Smart-Grid-Demonstration projects in Jeju-island, Korea and several research projects on revision of Korean grid code, enlargement of hosting capacity of feeders for interconnection of DGs, active voltage control in distribution network with DGs, online voltage control for conservation voltage reduction, etc.
  • 연사 이미지3
    Paul Heitmann
    President, Businovation LLC
    Paul holds a BSME from UMass and an MBA from Fairleigh Dickenson University, which forms the foundation of his understanding of both technology innovation AND business model disruption within the telecom and the energy industries.
    Paul started in AT&T Bell Labs as a Systems Engineer at Bell Labs and moved through a variety of Corporate strategy and Business Services solution development and sales roles. Moving into the Energy industry joining Comverge - Paul pioneered several innovative demand response programs for large utilities which leveraged emerging communications and network applications to drive optimized energy management response. Paul has participated in the Smart Grid development in the US through collaboration on several DOE programs with their national laboratories, including the EV Project. He is an outspoken advocate and thought leader for the broad implementation of distributed energy resources and their market-driven, smart grid interoperability.
    Paul currently supports IEEE Standards Association and is working with government agencies, commercial property owners, and electric utilities on the East Coast to advance the IEEE 1547 standard compliance initiative. Paul serves on the Board of NJ Clean Cities Coalition and as the Vice Chair for the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) V2G Domain Expert Working Group (DEWG)
  • 연사 이미지4
    Jeong-ku Lee
    Manager, TTA
    TTA, Network Testing & Certification Manager
    R&BD Task Manager of Smart Grid/Energy, Smart Home
    BQE(Bluetooth Qualification Expert)
  • 연사 이미지5
    Soon-Yeol Kwon
    SGBD Manager, KEPCO KDN
    • 1993 ~

      KEPCO KDN SmartGrid Division

    • 2009 ~ 2013

      Jeju SmartGrid Testbed TOC System Architecturing

    • 1988 ~ 1993

      KEPCO Distribution Division AWARD

    • 2014

      MOTIE certificate of KS Standard Award

  • 연사 이미지6
    Georges Simard
    President, S.I.M.A.R.D. SG Inc
    Georges Simard is president of Support, Integration, Management, Analyses, Research & Development for Smart Grids (S.I.M.AR.D. SG) a consultant company based in Quebec, Canada.
    From 1981 to 2011 he worked for Hydro-Quebec as a Development Engineer for the Distribution Network Division. During these 30 years he contributed to the writing of internal technical standards of Hydro-Quebec's distribution network including planning, system protection, Independent Power Producer integration and Power Quality. In the recent years, he was responsible for developing the Hydro-Quebec Distribution Roadmap including Smart Grid applications.
    He has served on several technical committees (IEC, IEEE/PES, CEA, CEATI, EPRI…) and he is currently a Senior Member of IEEE and the Chairman of the IEEE / PES Smart Distribution Working Group, He is advisor for the Distributech International Projects track. He also supported EPRI’s Smart Distribution Research program.
    Mr Simard received his BSEE in 1978 from "Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal". He got his Master degree in Engineering in 1998 from "Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal".
  • 연사 이미지7
    Ja-Kyun Koo
    Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association
    Chairman & CEO, LSIS
    • 2010 ~ 2012

      Vice Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation

    • 2014

      Vice Chairman, Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

    • 2009

      Council Member, National Standardization (Currently)

    • 2009

      Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association (Currently)

    • 2009

      Vice Chairman, CIGRE Korea National Committee (Currently)

    • 2008

      Vice Chairman, Korea Electrical Manufacturers Association (Currently)

    • 2008

      Board Member, Korea Standards Association (Currently)

  • 연사 이미지8
    Dae-Kyeong Kim
    Expert Advisor, Korea Smart Grid Institute

    Busan National University, Electro-Mechanical Engineering, BS

    Hanyang University, Electrical Engineering, MS

    UMIST, Corrosion & Protection, Doctor Course Completion

    APEC Smart Grid Initiative Co-Chair
    (Ex)Smart Grid PD of KETEP
    (Ex)Technical Expert Member of Presidential Advisory Committee of Science and Technology
    (Ex)Technical Expert Member of Energy Industry Expert Committee
    (Ex)National Standard Coordinator for Smart Grid
    (Ex)Person in Charge of the National Smart Grid Roadmap
  • 연사 이미지9
    Woo-Hyun Hwang
    Senior vice President, Korea Electric Power Corporation

    Chung-Ang University, Electrical engineering (1983)

    Han-Yang University, Master of Industrial Engineering (2000)

    Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Technology (Data mining)

    Japan, Kyushu Electirc Power Co., Inc, Training (1995)
    New York(US), conEdison/Texas TXUED Electric Facilities Managing, Training (2006)
    KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corportation, 1986~Present)
    Government National Project Performance
  • 연사 이미지10
    Seung-Il Moon
    President, Korea Electrical Engineering & Science Research Institute
    • Sep. 1989 - June 1993

      Ph.D. Electrical Engineering/The Ohio State University

    • Sep .1985 - Aug. 1989

      M.S. Electrical Engineering/The Ohio State University

    • Mar. 1981 - Feb. 1985

      B.S. Electrical Engineering/Seoul National University

    Professional Experiences
    • 2009 -

      present Member of Presidential Committee of Green Growth

    • 2009 - 2013

      Member of Electric Power Policy Committee of Korea

    • 2007 - 2008

      Member of Electricity Regulatory Commission of Korea

    • 2010

      Member of KEPCO President Nomination Committee

    • 2011

      Member of KPX Director Nomination Committee

    • 2012 - 2013

      Executive Director of Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

    • 2011 -

      present Executive Director of Korea Smart Grid Institute

    • 2009 -

      present Member of Advisory Committee, Korea Electrical Safety Corporation

    • 2014 -

      present President of Electric Service Forum

    • 2014 -

      present Invited Commentator of KBS (Korean Broadcasting System)

    • 2014 -

      present Chairman of Green Industry and Technology Committee of Korea

    • 2014 -

      present Chairman of Electric Power Policy Committee of Korea

    • 2014 -

      present Member of National Energy Committee of Korea

    • 2015 -

      present President of Korea Electrical Engineering & Science Research Institute

  • 연사 이미지11
    Seong-Hoon Kim
    Senior Vice President, KT
    As an expert in energy industry as well as in ICT, Dr. Kim has been in charge of smart energy business of KT. He is a senior vice president and has experience in KT’s Corporate Strategy Office and Future Convergence Strategy Office. Before joining KT, he was the CTO of Iljin group, producer of high-voltage electricity transmission equipment. He also worked for CTO Strategy Office of Samsung Electronics. As an expert in smart energy industry, he is developing action plans for six new business models of Korean government. Currently, he is one of the reviewers of government-funded projects related with green IT and transport system for green car. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from Seoul National University, M.S. in applied mathematics at Brown University, and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Ohio State University.
  • 연사 이미지12
    Han-ho Sung
    R&D Manager, Namjun Co., Ltd

    1990 - 2009 Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. BA in Dept. of Medicine

    MD, Ph.D in Graduate School of Computer Science and Industrial System Engineering

    Summary of Career History:
    • Feb. 2014 -

      Current Namjun, R&D Manager

    • Jul. 2011 - Feb. 2013

      Fountain Springs, Executive Director

    • Mar. 2003 - Feb. 2014

      Yonsei University(Seoul and Wonju), Lecturer and Research Professor

    • Mar. 2007 - Dec. 2010

      Soogeui Women’s College, Concurrent Professor

    Summary of Research and Project:
    • Sep. 2014 -

      Current KEPCO, S-type Meter and ADCS Development

    • Feb. 2014 - Apr. 2015

      Namjun, Unified Metering System Development

    • Sep. 2013 - Jan. 2014

      the Bank of Korea, Using Big Data-Construction of Financial

    Indicators monitoring system
    • Jul. 2012 - Jun. 2013

      MOTIE, KSGI, 2012 SG Spread Support Project

    • Aug. 2011 - Oct. 2017

      MOTIE, KT, Jeju SG Test-bed construction and operation

    • Jun. 2004 - Mar. 2007

      Cranial nerve and Information Science Business

  • 연사 이미지13
    Paddy Turnbull
    Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation(GSGF) & Smart Grid Ireland Country Director Ireland , GE Digital Energy
    Paddy Turnbull joined GE Energy in early 2010 as part of the European Leadership team for the Digital Energy Business. The Digital Energy business provides integrated smart grid solutions and reliable power delivery systems to the power sector in Ireland including electric utilities as well as the critical infrastructure and industrial sectors.
    He is also Chairman of Smart Grid Ireland, a not for profit advocacy body covering both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Paddy was a co-founder of this organization that has a twin track mission to articulate common issues that impact smart grid deployment in both jurisdictions. In addition he helped co-found the Global Smart Grid Federation where has been Chairman since 2012. The GSGF now has 16 member national federations and acts as global voice for industry on the grid modernization challenges.
    His 35-year business career includes his 10 years as country GM in Ireland for Fujitsu Telecom Europe. He has extensive international business development experience including 5 years as the VP of Sales and Marketing for a US owned VC start up in the medical device industry.
  • 연사 이미지14
    Marco C. Janssen
    Director of SG PMO, DEWA
    Marco C. Janssen is the Director of the Smart Grid Program Office at DEWA in Dubai. He received his BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
    He has worked for over 25 years in the field of Smart Grid, Protection, Control, Monitoring, Advanced Metering Infrastructures and Substation Automation.
    He is member of IEC TC57 WG 10, 17, 18, 19, the IEEE PES Power System Relaying Committee and CIGRE B5 and D2 working groups. He was the convenor of D2.35 and editor of the Quality Assurance Program for the Testing Subcommittee of the UCA International Users Group. He holds one patent, has authored and presented more than 53 technical papers, is co-author of four Cigre Technical Brochures and two books on Smart Grids and Electrical Power Substations Engineering and is the author of the “I think” column in the PAC World magazine.
  • 연사 이미지15
    Sayaka Shishido
    Chief Officer, Smart Community Department
    New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
    Sayaka Shishido joined NEDO in 2007 and was assigned to the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology Development Department. She participated in planning, coordination, and public relations activities related to various fuel cell and hydrogen R&D projects.

    After moving to NEDO’s Evaluation Department in 2010, Shishido conducted and directed follow-up studies on many completed national demonstration projects. This work provided many opportunities to monitor and assess the achievements of national projects both technologically and from a long-term view. As national projects often need to undertake ventures not only scientifically but industrially, her research and analysis on the status of dissemination of project achievements led to in-depth and multiple insights on how to manage national project results leading up to commercialization.

    Since 2013, Shishido has been responsible for coordination among NEDO’s overseas demonstration projects in the Smart Community Department. She is currently working to promote smart community and smart grid demonstration projects that facilitate the dissemination of Japan’s advanced technologies worldwide. She also is focusing on management work, including planning new projects, coordinating among ongoing projects, budgetary control, and follow-up studies for completed projects in order to find ways to address global energy and environmental challenges.
  • 연사 이미지16
    Heiko Staubitz
    Head of Task Force SG, Germany Trade and Invest
    Heiko Staubitz has been senior manager in the department for Energy, Environment & Resources within GTAI since 2007. He is head of task force smart grid and responsible for the industrial settlement of international investors in Germany in the field of energy storage and smart grids.

    Prior to his position at GTAI, Heiko Staubitz worked for many years as product developer in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency at EnBW, Germany's third-largest energy supplier. He has an academic background in mechanical engineering.
  • 연사 이미지17
    Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho
    Sustainable Energy Lead Specialist
    Inter-American Development Bank(IDB)
    Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho is Lead Sustainable Energy Specialist with the Energy Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Washington, DC, USA.

    Mr. Vieira de Carvalho has been working for the IDB since 1997 on financing and implementing sustainable energy projects throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), especially on energy access, energy efficiency, renewable energy and biofuels.

    He has been responsible for several emblematic IDB initiatives, such as the IDEAS energy innovation contest, the SE4ALL Americas Hub and the LAC Sustainable Biofuels for Aviation Program.

    Mr. Vieira de Carvalho was Director of the Latin American Energy Organization - OLADE in Quito, Ecuador and General Manager for Power Generation and New Energy Technologies of Promon Engenharia, a leading Brazilian consulting firm in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, acting internationally, where he worked for more than 15 years.

    He has also worked as independent energy consultant in several Latin American countries for power utilities and international organizations such as The World Bank, the Organization of American States - OAS and several UN agencies.

    Mr. Vieira de Carvalho holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from the Aeronautical Institute of Technology - ITA in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil and a M.S. degree in energy from Kansas State University - KSU in Manhattan, Kansas.

    He published more than a hundred articles, technical papers and books in his field of expertise.
  • 연사 이미지18
    Paul Heitmann
    President, Businovation LLC
    Paul holds a BSME from UMass and an MBA from Fairleigh Dickenson University, which forms the foundation of his understanding of both technology innovation AND business model disruption within the telecom and the energy industries.
    Paul started in AT&T Bell Labs as a Systems Engineer at Bell Labs and moved through a variety of Corporate strategy and Business Services solution development and sales roles. Moving into the Energy industry joining Comverge - Paul pioneered several innovative demand response programs for large utilities which leveraged emerging communications and network applications to drive optimized energy management response. Paul has participated in the Smart Grid development in the US through collaboration on several DOE programs with their national laboratories, including the EV Project. He is an outspoken advocate and thought leader for the broad implementation of distributed energy resources and their market-driven, smart grid interoperability.
    Paul currently supports IEEE Standards Association and is working with government agencies, commercial property owners, and electric utilities on the East Coast to advance the IEEE 1547 standard compliance initiative. Paul serves on the Board of NJ Clean Cities Coalition and as the Vice Chair for the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) V2G Domain Expert Working Group (DEWG)
  • 연사 이미지19
    Kerry Cheung
    Program Manager and Technical Advisor, U.S. DOE
    Kerry joined the Power Systems Engineering Research and Development division within the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) in 2013. He currently serves as the Program Manager for the Transformer Resilience and Advanced Components Program, a new program focused on the development of next-generation grid hardware, and is the Portfolio Manager for OE’s SBIR/STTR activities. He is also managing various projects under the Smart Grid R&D Program and the Energy Storage Program, and is heavily involved in various strategic initiatives across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) enterprise. Most recently, Kerry co-authored the Grid Modernization chapter of the 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review (QTR), led the development of the associated technology assessments, and produced portfolio recommendations that will inform Departmental priorities.
    Prior to joining the DOE, he served as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science Technology and Policy Fellow (2010-2012) and as an Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Fellow (2012-2013) working with OE in the Office of the Assistant Secretary. In this capacity, he contributed to the development of the Department’s first QTR released in 2011, served as a key member of the Grid Tech Team tasked with developing strategies and coordinating activities for grid modernization, and detailed to the Office of U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) where he supported the Senator in Energy and Natural Resources Committee assignments and developed original legislation (S.1652 and S.2989) introduced in the 113th Congress. Kerry holds a B.S. in Applied and Engineering Physics from Cornell University and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • 연사 이미지20
    Mike Wilks
    Director, Ernst & Young
    Mike is a Director in Global Power & Utilities Advisory at Ernst & Young, with 24 years’ international power sector experience at National Grid, Enron, and as a consultant in over 20 countries worldwide with KEMA, Poyry and now EY.
    He is internationally known as a leading expert on all aspects of power networks and their interaction with wholesale markets and other power sector stakeholders. This includes deployment of “smart grids”, “microgrids” and associated “smart energy” technologies such as energy storage and demand side management (DSM).
    For example, Mike was an invited member of international panel of experts advising the International Energy Association (IEA) on development of their “2050 Technology Roadmap for Energy Storage” published in 2014. He was also a founding member of the European Smart Energy Demand Coalition (SEDC) promoting DSM development in Europe.
    Over the last 5 years he has been at the forefront of analysing and understanding the transformational change and ”smart” implications of the targeted decarbonisation of the European power sector; advising clients encompassing the European Commission, national governments and regulators, network companies, smart energy technology providers and financial investors.
    Mike is regularly asked to chair and present thought leadership on power networks and smart energy issues at major international power sector conferences and expert forums.
  • 연사 이미지21
    I-Chun Hsiao
    Analyst, Energy Smart Technology
    New Energy Finance , Bloomberg L.P.
    I-Chun Hsiao (蕭義俊) is an Analyst in the Tokyo office of Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). A member of the Energy Smart Technologies team I-Chun publishes research on topics related to energy storage, electrified transport, energy efficiency, and digital energy in the Asia-Pacific region. He has also taken a deep dive on the prospect of energy storage in the PJM Interconnection and California ISO markets. I-Chun worked in the World Bank and the UN system prior to BNEF. He received a MPP in international trade and finance from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University; a MS and BS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and National Taiwan University, respectively.
  • 연사 이미지22
    Reji Kumar Pillai
    President, India Smart Grid Forum
    Reji is the President of India Smart Grid Forum (www.indiasmartgrid.org) and an internationally renowned expert in the energy sector with over three decades of experience in the electricity industry in diverse functions covering the entire value chain and across continents. He is spearheading a mission to leverage technology to transform the electric grid in India and light every home at affordable cost through sustainable developmental models. Reji played the pivotal role in formulation of the Smart Grid Vision & Roadmap for India (August 2013) and the launch of a National Smart Grid Mission (March 2015) by Government of India, issue of Model Smart Grid Regulations (June 2015) by Forum of Regulators; and issue of Standards for Smart Meters (IS 16444-2015 in August 2015) by Bureau of Indian Standards. He is presently advocating for a “Right to Electricity Act” that will ensure lifeline supply of electricity to all households in the country. His current areas of research include: leveraging smart grid assets as anchor infrastructure for building smarter cities at marginal cost, development of Smart City Maturity Model, demonstration of smart microgrids that can participate in demand response market; and appropriate electric vehicle infrastructure solutions for India.
    As an entrepreneur, Reji has built successful enterprises in India and overseas and exited them. Presently, he is the Founder and Managing Director of Magnetar Venture, an India focused cleantech fund to foster innovation in clean technologies with a vision to build globally successful enterprises out of India in the emerging cleantech revolution.
    Reji has studied Engineering, Finance, Management and Law; worked with NTPC and IBM and been a senior consultant with ADB, World Bank and USAID. A recognized thought leader in smart grid technologies, Reji is a popular key-note speaker at international symposiums and conferences on smart grids and smart cities. He has also contributed to several articles and books.
  • 연사 이미지23
    Felicisima Arriola
    Access to Energy Expert (Consultant), Asian Development Bank
    Ms. Felicisima Arriola is currently engaged as Access to Energy Expert for Asian Development Bank’s (ADB’s) Energy for All initiative. Energy for All aims to empower the region’s poor by increasing access to modern energy. Primarily, her task is the development of pilot energy access projects, specifically in the Philippines. The projects involve the development of mini-grid systems catering to the off-grid and remote areas in the country.
    The initiative is expected to upscale and can be linked up to ADB’s operations departments. She is also tasked primarily to manage the Energy for All partnership secretariat by assisting working group chairs in all aspects of working group formation and management, attracting members and sponsors, establishing priorities and targets, preparing and implementing work plans, bringing new partners to the Energy for All network, preparing annual reports for donors, among others. The Energy for All partnership aims to increase energy access to 100 million people in Asia and the Pacific region by 2015.
    Ms. Arriola has an extensive experience on renewable energy development being in the Department of Energy for more than 15 years. She also joined some private sector companies engaged in renewable energy development prior to joining ADB.
    Ms. Arriola is a Filipino national, has a Masters of Science degree in Renewable Energy Development and a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Economics.
  • 연사 이미지24
    Woo-Yul Lee
    Energy Specialist , Energy Specialist
    Mr. Woo Yul Lee is an Energy Specialist in the Pacific Department of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He has been leading various renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in China and Pacific Islands since 2010.
    Before ADB, Mr. Lee worked as an Energy Advisor/Climate Change Expert at Lahmeyer International GmbH in Germany, where he was responsible for providing financial and climate change advisory service for various renewable energy projects and conducting techno-economic analysis to assess project viability for private equity investors and lenders as well as other multilateral institutions.
    Mr. Lee holds a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Systems and Management from the University of Flensburg, Germany, and a Bachelors in Entrepreneurial Management from Royal Roads University in Victoria, Canada.
  • 연사 이미지25
    Ryan Wartena
    CEO, Geli
    Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA(2001)
    B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA(1997)

    Growing Energy Labs, Inc. (Geli), Feb 2010 - Current (CSO July 2013 - Aug 2014)
    Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder; GELI organizes the world’s energy through information technology and networked energy storage. GELI’s core technology is in long-lived energy storage and local energy networks with it’s patented energy networking methods. GELI’s flagship product is the Energy Operating System (Geli EOS) software for economic optimization and automation of energy storage systems and microgrids and Global Energy Network Interface (GENI) web-application for energy-economic awareness and visualization.
    Consulting Practice, Dec 2005 - Dec 2010
    Providing due diligence services for VCs (General Catalyst, Maniv Capital) for energy storage technology and business. Consulting and battery testing services for Panasonic Energy (Japan), electrical engineering firms, and electrical contracting companies.
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, July 2004 - Nov 2007
    Postdoctoral Scientist, Department of Material Science and Engineering with Yet-Ming Chiang funded by the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Postdoctoral Program
    Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, Oct 2001 - 2003
    Postdoctoral Scientist, Chemistry Division, Surface Chemistry Branch, Advanced Electrochemical Materials Section Research: Small, Distributed Energy Systems and Applications
  • 연사 이미지26
    Jun-Ill Yoon
    Senior Manager, Hyosung Corporation
    • Work Experience
    • Mar.2015 - Present

      Corporate Strategy Office, Hyosung Corporation(Seoul, Korea)

      PISPG and Energy Module, Leader

    • Jul.2013 – Mar.2015

      Power & Industrial Systems Performance Group, Hyosung Corporation

      ESS Business Group Leader, Solution Business Team, Power Systems Performance Unit

    • Jul.2007- Jul.2013

      EEE Part Manager, New Business Team

    • Jan.2010 – Present

      KETEP*, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(Seoul, Korea)

      Technical Advisor, Energy Technology Development

    • Sep.2013 - Present

      Korea Smart Grid Association,(Seoul, Korea)

      Committee Chair of ESS

    • Feb.2004 – Apr.2007

      Battery R&D, LG Chem/Research Park(Daejeon, Korea)

      Research Engineer

    • Education

    • Mar.2000 - Feb.2002

      Graduate School of Korea University(Seoul, Korea)

      M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    • Mar.1996 - Feb.2000

      Korea University(Seoul, Korea)

      B.S. in Mechanical Engineering

    • Awards and Certificates

    • Oct.2014

      Commendation from Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Frost and Sullivan

    • Jun.2013

      2nd Infantry Division, 8th United States Arm

    • Mar.2002 – Feb.2004

      Korea University

    • Selected Patents

    • Feb.2004 - Present

      44 patents are granted and more than 100 overseas

  • 연사 이미지27
    Vince Heo
    International Development Manager, Ernst&Young Advisory
    Yoonjae (Vince) Heo is a Manager in International Development Advisory team at Ernst & Young. With his current role, he conducts policy research and economic assessment in the area of clean energy and energy efficiency advising governments, international organizations, and private sector. He worked in Procter & Gamble and Bloomberg prior to Ernst & Young. He received a MSc in environmental policy and regulation from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and BA in Agricultural Economics from Seoul National University.




Korea Smart Grid Expo 2015 Results


  • Korea Smart Grid Expo 2015
  • 코엑스 A홀
  • 2015.10.20~22
  • 산업통상자원부


  • InterBattery 2015 (한국전지산업협회, 코엑스)
  • EV Seoul (코엑스)
  • 한국전기산업대전 (산업통상자원부/한국전기산업진흥회)

참가 규모


참관 규모


주요 참가업체

주요 참가업체

주요 참관객

주요 참관객
업체명 부서명 참관인원
(주)효성 엔지니어링팀, 프로세스사업팀, 전장영업팀, 특수기설계팀, 솔루션사업팀, 전장설계팀, 기획관리팀, 중전영업팀, 경영혁신팀, 창원공장 전장설계팀, 해외영업팀, Power grid integration 팀, 화학사업부, 전력영업팀 등 175
현대중공업 배전기기연구실, 회전기기연구실, 전기전자시스템사업본부 등 170
KT ICT팀, 기업통신사업부, 융합기술원, 에너지효율화사업팀, 글로벌에너지사업팀, 융합IT팀, 경영기획부, 신재생에너지사업팀, IT투자기획팀 등 165
LG CNS CE 사업팀, 발전신사업팀, 하이테크사업본부, SGT 사업본부, 컨버전스 엔지니어링, 엔지니어링 서비스팀, 스마트그린솔루션연구소, 디지털방송사업팀, LGC 자동화팀, 엔지니어링 CI팀 등 148
삼성SDI 영업기획그룹, 에너지랩, Battery연구소, 전자사업그룹, ESS마케팅, Cell 사업팀, Battery device lab 등 378
삼성전자 생활가전사업부, 인프라기술센터, 의료기기사업부, 전략마케팅팀, B2B영업팀, 에너지랩, Matereial 연구센터 등 138
LG 화학 전지사업부, 양극재생산기술팀, CRD연구소, 전자재료기획팀, Battery 연구소, 하이테크사업본부, 혁신전지PJT 등 133
LG 전자 L&E 연구센터, 이노베이션사업센터, B2B 홀솔루션 Task, 시스템수주담당 Solar Biz팀, AE 사업담당, ESS개발팀, LTO 자동차부품센터, 전기소자구매팀, GUI, CEM SA사업실, 컨버전스연구소, MC부품개발담당, 칠러영업팀 등 119
SK 이노베이션 BATTERY생산기술팀, 전략기획팀, Cell개발팀, ESS사업개발팀 등 130
GS 에너지 전지소재연구소, 사업전략팀, 연구기획관리팀, WTE 사업팀, 경영기획팀, 음극재연구실 등 126