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Exhibition Overview

  • 2012 월드 스마트그리드 엑스포 (World Smart Grid Expo 2012)
  • 2012년 10월 30일(화) ~ 11월 2일(금), 4일간
  • 서울 코엑스 Hall C
  • 지식경제부
  • 지능형전력망협회, (재)한국스마트그리드사업단, 코엑스
  • 산업전망 및 기술 세미나, 전시회 투어 프로그램(도슨트 프로그램), 스마트그리드 홍보관
  • 스마트그리드 분야별 전문관
    Smart Place
    • Smart Meter, Smart Appliance, Smart Device 및 기타 관련 기술
    지능형 운송
    Smart Transportation
    • 전기차, 충전기, 배터리, 모터, 기타 관련 부품 및 기술
    지능형 신재생에너지
    Smart Renewable
    • 태양광, 풍력, 대용량 저장장치 및 관련 기술
    지능형 전력망
    Smart Powergrid
    • 지능형 전자장치, 배전/변전 자동화시스템 및 관련 기술
    지능형 서비스
    Smart Electricity Service
    • 지능형 요금제, 지능형 수요반응, 지능형 전력거래
    기타 ETC.
    • 관련 Solution 및 보안 관련 기술



Booth layout


참가업체 리스트

Exhibitor List

참가업체 리스트
No. Booth No. Exhibitor name (KOR) Exhibitor name (ENG)
1 강릉 저탄소 녹색 시범도시 Gangneung Low-Carbon Green City www.gangneung.go.kr
2 국제표준협회 IEEE STANDARDS ASSOCIATION www.ieee.org
3 (주)나라컨트롤 NARA Controls INC www.naracontrols.co.kr
4 넥서스커뮤니티 NEXUSCOMMUNITY www.nexus.co.kr
5 (주)넥스트이지 NEXT EZ http://nextez.co.kr
6 (주)누리텔레콤 NURITelecom Co.,Ltd www.nuritelecom.co.kr
7 (주)누리플랜 Nuriplan Co.,Ltd www.nuriplan.com
8 (주)대경엔지니어링 Dae-kyung Engineering Co. http://familydk.co.kr
9 르노삼성자동차 RENAULT SAMSUNG MOTORS www.renaultsamsungm.com
10 비손에너지(주) PISHON ENERGY INC. www.pishonenergy.co.kr
11 (주)비엠티 BMT Co.,Ltd. www.superlok.com
12 삼성물산(주) Samsung C&T Corporation www.samsungcnt.co.kr
13 삼성에스디아이(주) SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD. www.samsungsdi.co.kr
14 (주)섬엔지니어링 SUM Engineering www.sumeng.co.kr
15 세방전지(주) SEBANG GLOBAL BATTERY CO., LTD. www.gbattery.com
16 세홍산업(주) Sehong Industry Co.,Ltd. www.sehong.net
17 송암시스콤(주) SONGAM SYSCOM www.songam.co.kr
18 스마트그리드 표준화 포럼 Smart Grid Stardardization Forum www.sgstandard.org
19 (주)스페이스원 SpaceONE Co., Ltd. http://youpepo.com
20 시스넷시스템즈 SYSNET Systems -
21 신보 SHINBO -
22 (주)아이비티 IBT CO.,LTD. www.rocketibt.co.kr
23 암페놀 Amphenol APG www.amphenol.com.hk
24 에너지코리아뉴스(CEO에너지) CEO ENERGY www.energykorea.co.kr
25 (주)에스에이치아이앤씨 SH I&C Co., Ltd. www.uisn.co.kr
26 S&T 모터스 S&T MOTORS www.hisntmotors.com
27 SK C&C SK C&C www.skcc.co.kr
28 SK이노베이션 SK Innovation www.skinnovation.com
29 AD모터스 AD MOTORS www.admotors.com
30 (주)에이치엠티 HMT Co., Ltd. www.e-hmt.kr
31 엘에스산전 LS IS www.lsis.biz
32 영광군 Yeonggwang www.yeonggwang.go.kr
33 영국무역투자청 UK TRADE & INVESTMENT www.ukti.gov.uk
34 옴니시스템(주) OMNISYSTEM www.omnisystem.co.kr
35 (주)우진산전 WOOJIN Industrial System Co.,Ltd. www.wjis.co.kr
36 (주)이디디 홀딩스 EDD HOLDINGS www.edd-holdings.com
37 인텍에프에이 Intech-FA www.intech-fa.co.kr
38 (주)인포마인드 INFOMIND www.모바일솔루션.kr
39 전기신문 THE KOREA ELECTRIC TIMES www.electimes.com
40 전기자동차개조산업협회 Electric Vehicle Conversion Industry Association www.evcia.com
41 전력신문 ePnews www.epnews.co.kr
42 전우문화사(월간전기) JEONWOO PUBLISHING CO. www.energy.co.kr
43 (주)정도엔지니어링 JUNGDO Engineering -
44 (주)제니스텍 ZENITHTEK CO.,LTD www.zenithtek.co.kr
45 제주대학교 LINC사업단 Jeju National University LINC Institute www.jejunu.ac.kr
46 제주대학교 스마트그리드연구센터 Jeju National University Smart Grid Research Center www.jejunu.ac.kr
47 (주)제주전기자동차서비스 Jeju Electric Vehicle Service -
48 (재)제주테크노파크 JEJU TECHNOPARK www.jejutp.or.kr
49 제주특별자치도 스마트그리드 기업컨소시엄 Smart-Grid Industry Consortium of Jeju Island www.jeju.go.kr
51 주한 우크라이나 대사관 UKRAINE www.mfa.gov.ua/korea/ua/
52 중앙제어주식회사 JoongAng Control Co.,Ltd. www.joas.co.kr
53 GS건설 GS E&C www.gsconst.co.kr
54 (주)진우소프트이노베이션 JINWOO Soft Innovation www.jinwoosi.co.kr
55 (주)케이디파워 KD POWER CO., LTD www.kdpower.co.kr
56 K-MEG 사업단 K-MEG R&D Center www.k-meg.org
57 (주)KT KT Corporation www.kt.com
58 (주)코디에스 KODI-S www.kodi-s.com
59 코오롱글로벌(주) KOLON GLOBAL www.kolonglobal.com
60 주식회사 탑글로리 TOP GLORY -
61 텍사스인스트루먼트코리아(주) Texas Instruments Korea Ltd. www.ti.com
63 (주)티에스식스티즈 TS60s System www.ts60s.com
64 티유브이 라인란드 코리아 TUV Rheinland Korea www.kor.tuv.com
65 주식회사 파워테크 POWERTECH CO.,LTD. -
66 (주)파워프라자 POWERPLAZA CO.,LTD www.powerpolaza.co.kr
67 펜실베니아 주정부 한국사무소 PENNSYLVANIA www.pennsylvania.or.kr
68 포스코ICT POSCO ICT www.poscoict.co.kr
69 (주)피앤이솔루션 PNE SOLUTION www.pnesolution.com
70 (주)하이젠모터 HIGEN MOTOR CO., LTD. www.higenmotor.com
71 한국 전력연구원 KEPCO Research Institute www.kepri.re.kr
72 한국산업기술시험원 Korea Testing Laboratory www.ktl.re.kr
73 (주)한국에너지정보센터 Korea Energy Center Co.,Ltd. www.energycenter.co.kr
74 한국인터넷빌링(주) KOREA INTERNET BILLING CO.,LTD. www.hanbill.com
76 한국전력공사 KEPCO www.kepco.co.kr
77 한전KDN KEPCO KDN www.kdn.com
78 현대자동차(주) HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY www.hyundai.com
79 (주)효성 HYOSUNG www.hyosung.co.kr
80 British Gas Ltd. British Gas Ltd. www.britishgas.co.uk
81 Cornwall Council Cornwall Council www.cornwall.gov.uk
82 Eco Island Eco Island www.eco-island.org
83 REED EXHIBITON, Japan LTD 3rd INT'L SMART GRID EXPO www.smartgridexpo.jp/en/
84 Smart Grid Gas Smart Grid Gas -
85 The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. Smart Community Japan 2013 www.nikkan.co.jp/eve/smart/


컨퍼런스 프로그램

Conference program

  • 기간
    2012. 10. 31 ~ 11. 01 (2일간)
  • 장소
    서울 삼성동 코엑스(3F) Hall E5~ E6
  • 주최
  • 주관
    지능형전력망협회, (재)한국스마트그리드사업단
  • 공식언어
    한국어, 영어 (동시통역 제공)
컨퍼런스 프로그램
일정 주제 연사
일자 시간
10월 31일(수)
(국제 스마트그리드 컨퍼런스)
Prelude Session
10:00~10:30 스마트그리드 정책 정승일
(에너지산업정책국장, 지식경제부)
스마트그리드 정책 정용헌
(사무국장, ISGAN)
10:30~11:20 Smart Power와 미래 유틸리티 전망 Peter S. Fox-Penner
(Chairman & Principal, Brattle Group)
Session 1_SG실증 / Smart City
11:20~11:50 제주 SG실증 프로젝트 황우현
(스마트그리드추진실 팀장, 한국전력공사)
11:50~12:20 미국 SG실증 프로젝트 Matt Wakefield
(Senior Program Manager, EPRI)
12:20~13:30 점심
13:30-14:00 영국 SG실증 프로젝트 : 저탄소 네트워크 펀드 프로젝트 David Green
Founder & CEO, Eco-island Partnership CIC
14:00~14:30 패널토의 좌장 문승일
(전기공학부 교수, 서울대학교)
Session 2_SG RD&D
14:30~15:00 배전 첨단 기술 Smart DMS 개발 및 사업화 전략 송일근
(송배전연구소 처장, 한국전력공사 전력연구원)
15:00~15:30 글로벌 DMS 시장과 사업추진 전략 Jeff Lee
(Energy & Utilities Growth Markets Leader, IBM)
15:30~15:50 Coffee Break
15:50~16:20 Global 배전 시장 : DMS/Micro Grid/Virtual Power Plant Peter Asmus
(Senior Analyst, Pike Research)
16:20~16:50 KMEG 추진 방향 및 사업화 전략 박상덕
(MD, 지식경제 R&D 전략기획단)
16:50~17:20 패널토의 좌장 윤용태
(전기공학부 교수, 서울대학교)
18:00~20:30 네트워킹 디너 (초청자에 한함)
11월 01일 (목)
(국제 스마트그리드 표준협력 컨퍼런스)
Prelude Session
10:30~10:40 환영사 서광현
(기술표준원장, 지식경제부)
Session 1_SG Coordinator
10:40~11:10 한국 SG 표준화 프레임위크 1.0 박지식
(SG표준코디네이터, 지식경제부 기술표준원)
11:10~11:40 IEEE-SA 스마트그리드 추진활동 Samuel C. Sciacca
(Task Force 1 Co-chair, IEEE P2030)
11:40~12:10 IEC SG 표준화 프레임워크 2.0 Richard Schomberg
(Chairman, IEC SG3)
12:10~13:30 점심
Session 2_Key Standards
13:30~14:00 에너지 저장장치 기술 및 표준 현황 김응상
(스마트배전연구센터장, 한국전기연구원)
14:00~14:30 DER 표준현황 박용하
(스마트그리드 추진단장, 포스코ICT)
14:30~14:50 Coffee Break
Session 3_Testing & Certification
14:50~15:20 SG 상호 운용성 솔루션 Kai Strubbe
(Head of Embedded System, TUV-SUD)
15:20~15:50 SGIP IPRM 2.0 추진현황 Rik Drummond
(Chair of SGTCC, SGIP)
15:50~16:20 한국의 SG 시험인증 추진방안 유종걸
(전기전자기술센터장, 한국산업기술시험원)
17:30~20:30 만찬(초청장에 한함)



Speaker introduction

  • 연사 이미지1
    Cho, Seok
    Vice Minister for Trade and Energy, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
    Ph.D. in Economics, Kyung Hee University, Korea

    Professional Experience
    • 2011.12 ~

      Vice Minister for Trade and Energy, Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE)

    • 2011

      CEO of Korea Industrial Complex Corporation

    • 2009

      Deputy Minister for Industry, MKE

    • 2008

      Director General for Industry and Knowledge Economy, MKE

  • 연사 이미지2
    Koo, Ja Kyun
    Chairman, The Korea Smart Grid Association
    Having been stayed for 10 years in academia as a professor of Business Administration, Ja-Kyun Koo, who turned into a business man in 2005, is leading LS Industrial Systems growth combining management principles with business practices in his corporate management.

    In his inauguration as a new CEO in 2008, he announced LS Industrial Systems will open a new era of growth building global infrastructure with a long-term perspective.

    Accordingly, he selected 'Open Culture' as a new organizational culture and is now concentrating on developing its R&D capability and human resources.

    In addition, he released the corporate vision, 'Green Innovators of Innovation' in shaping the future of LS Industrial Systems providing and completing customers' innovation beyond simply providing customers' value. He also set up long-term business vision achieving sales revenue of 4.5 trillion won and operating profit of 700 billion won.

    Given the nickname 'Green CEO', he will make green business as company's new growth engine achieving more than 40 percent of sales revenue from it in 2015 by investing more than 140 billion won through 2011.

    Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Texas

    M.A. in International Management Studies, University of Texas

    B.A. in Law, Korea University

    Vice Chairman & CEO, LS Industrial Systems

    Vice Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation

    Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association

  • 연사 이미지3
    Kim, Sang Hyup
    Senior Secretary to the President of the Republic Korea for Green Growth and Environment, Office of the President
  • 연사 이미지4
    Kim, Joong Kyum
    CEO, Korea Electric Power Corporation
    • Feb. 1976

      Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Korea University

    • Whimoon High School, Seoul, Korea

    Professional Career
    • Sept.2011

      Appointed President & CEO, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)

    • Jun-Aug.2011

      Advisor to Hyundai Engineering & Construction

    • Mar. 2010-May 2011

      Chairman, Korea Housing Association

    • Nov. 2009-Feb. 2010

      Executive Vice President, Construction Association of Korea

    • Sep-Oct. 2009

      Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration & Law,

    Dankook University
    • Mar.-Aug. 2009

      President &CEO, Hyundai Engineering &Construction (E&C)

    • Jan. 2007-Feb.2009

      President & CEO, Hyundai Engineering

    • Apr.-Dec.2006

      COO, Head of Housing & Development Division, Hyundai E&C

    • Mar. 2003-Mar.2006

      Head, Building Works Division, Hyundai E&C

    • Sept. 1976

      Joined Hyundai E&C

    Awards & Professional Recognition
    • Dec. 2010

      Gold Tower, Order of Industrial Service Merit, Ministry of Knowledge Economy

    • Oct. 2010

      Honorary Ph.D. in Business Management, Myongji University, Seoul, Korea

    • Dec. 2005

      Silver Tower, Order of Industrial Service Merit, Ministry of Commerce, Industry

  • 연사 이미지5
    Jung, Seung Il
    Director General for Energy Industry Policy Ministry of Knowledge Economy
  • 연사 이미지6
    Jung, Yong Hun
    Secretary General, ISGAN
    Yonghun Jung is a senior fellow at Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI), serving as a counsellor for energy and environment to the Minister, Ministry of Knowledge Economy. He also serves as the secretary general for the International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN). In the recent past, he served as the vice president of the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) for 10 years since 1999, which is located in Tokyo Japan. Dr. Jung has research interest in a range of issues including energy demand/supply forecast, energy resource development projects including shale gas, natural gas infrastructure development, climate change, and energy sector regulatory reform. He has published a number of reports and articles on various energy issues that include a feasibility study on the Irukutsk Natural Gas Pipeline Project, the 1st National Communication of the Republic of Korea to UNFCCC, Electricity Sector Deregulation in APEC region, Making CDM Workable, and three APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlooks.

    Lately, he has joined a government task force on shale gas development.

    He received a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Rochester, New York.
  • 연사 이미지7
    Peter S. Fox-Penner
    Principal & Chairman, The Brattle Group
    Dr. Peter Fox-Penner is an economist with an engineering education and more than 30 years of experience in regulated industries, energy policy, and environmental issues. In a career that has spanned consulting, senior government service, and academia, he has assisted numerous public and private clients in settings that include expert testimony, publications and books and a frequent speaker at conferences and meetings.

    Dr. Fox-Penner’s longest area of specialization has been electricity market policies and regulation. In this area he has advised most major U.S. energy companies and grid operators, and government agencies, as well as a number of international clients, on electric policy issues. He is the author of the Electric Utility Restructuring: A Guide to The Competitive Era (1997) and Smart Power: Climate Change, the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric Utilities (Island Press, 2010), as well as many other publications in electric and energy policy. He has served as the lead expert in the prosecution of market manipulation during the California energy crisis of 2000-2001. His work in the subject area has been cited by the Supreme Court and other authorities.

    Outside of his duties at The Brattle Group, Dr. Fox-Penner has held a number of management positions. From 2001 to 2008, he served as Brattle’s Chairman, leading the firm through six consecutive years of double-digit growth and international expansion. He has served on the boards of ENpartners and Global Energy Group and serves on the advisory boards of Enviance, Gridpoint, and the board of The Solar Foundation.

    Dr. Fox-Penner received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering (1976) and his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Energy Policy, 1978) from the University of Illinois, and his Ph.D. in Economics from the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago (1989).

    Regulated Industries and Electric Restructuring

    Electric utility restructuring

    Antitrust, market power, and merger-related issues in regulated industries

    Network and transmission pricing, access rules, and governance

    Economic and policy issues in public interest utility programs

    Load and sales forecasting, pricing, and new product analysis

    Energy, Environmental, and Technology Policy

    Global climate change policies

    Energy security policies and transportation energy use

    Technology and market evaluations

    Public policies towards new technologies and R&D

    Energy efficiency-economics and policy

    Oil market economic policy questions

  • 연사 이미지8
    Hwang, Woo Hyun
    Project Leader, KEPCO

    Chung-Ang University, Electrical engineering (1983)

    Han-Yang University, Master of Industrial Engineering (2000)

    Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Technology (Data mining)


    Japan, Kyushu Electirc Power Co., Inc, Training (1995)

    New York(US), conEdison/Texas TXUED Electric Facilities Managing, Training(2006)

    KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corportation, 1986~Present)

    Government National Project Performance

  • 연사 이미지9
    Matt Wakefield
    Senior Program Manager, EPRI
    Matt Wakefield is a Senior Program Manager at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). His responsibilities include furthering the development of a modernized grid with a strong focus on leveraging emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) that can be applied to the electric grid infrastructure. Wakefield manages EPRI’s Smart Grid Research focused on technologies that enable advanced applications within the IntelliGrid Program, Cyber Security & Privacy Program and EPRI’s multi-year international Smart Grid Demonstration initiative.

    Wakefield’s leadership in the Smart Grid Demonstration initiative has resulted in international collaboration on cost benefit analysis to share lessons learned associated with integrating all types of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in electric utility smart grid deployments around the world.

    Wakefield started his career in 1986 in the United States Navy serving as a Nuclear Power Plant Reactor Operator and Engineering Supervisor in the Submarine Fleet and specializing in electronic instrumentation and controls.

    Wakefield then joined Wisconsin Public Service Corp. (WPS) at the Kewaunee Nuclear Plant before becoming Manager of the Applied Technology group at Integrys Energy Group, the holding company of WPS. At Integrys, he focused on developing and applying information and communication technologies related to low-cost, real-time energy-related information transfer between control centers, generators, markets, and consumers utilizing open-source software and low-cost embedded hardware while leveraging the Internet for the communication infrastructure.

    Wakefield received his Bachelor of Science degree in technology management from the University of Maryland University College.
  • 연사 이미지10
    David Green ( Founder / CEO )
    Ecoisland Partnership CIC
    With a passion for the planet and sustainability from an early age David spent much of his life introducing young people to the Great Outdoors through the medium of watersports. As the CEO of a Royal Charity employing more than 250 people and operating in excess of 300 craft worldwide he quickly acquired a strong set of logistics, finance, marketing and communication skills. Having won a number of National Sustainability Awards he chose to transfer his skills to the renewable energy sector and was the originator of the Ecoisland Vision, which he first presented to the IOW Council in 2007. After a successful launch in 2008 and the Big Green Picnic ( the most successful first time event in Council history ) the development plan slowed as the Council’s finances and resources came under threat.

    Seizing the idea and taking up the challenge on behalf of the community David co-founded the GreenTank ( a think tank for green ideas ) which held meetings every other month out of which was formed an Advisory team to guide the idea as it gained momentum. He formed the Ecoisland Partnership Community Interest Company in January 2011 and gathered together some 70 Global, National, Founding, Local, Knowledge and Carbon Partners who helped to get the CIC off the ground.

    Having secured the core funding for the project and established the offices at the Hub in Newport on the Island he is the driving force behind the Ecoisland Development Plan. Securing a mix of debt and equity investment in the new ESCO, which trades the embedded generation and negawatts from the renewable energy technologies installed, he is helping to generate funds for future sustainability projects on the Island. At the same time supporting local initiatives through the charitable arm of the organisation.

    There are many Eco initiatives around the UK doing a great job of promoting the vision of sustainability but perhaps none as ambitious as this one. With the backing of the Community, the local press and with the political and economic landscape clearly on his side David is fast becoming one of Britain’s inspirational Green Leaders. Having recently been selected as one of 11 Team Green Britain Heroes by EDF Energy, winning the Climate Change Award for Community Initiatives and being shortlisted as one the top 10 Green Executives in the UK David is clearly acting as a catalyst for environmental change. By opening the doors of his renewable energy ShowHome to the local Community, demonstrating all the latest sustainable energy technology, and pioneering the switch to alternative fuel transport David is paving the way for the IOW to become the first sustainable region in Britain-self sufficient in terms of its energy, fuel, food, water and waste.
  • 연사 이미지11
    Moon, Seung Il
    Professor & School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University
    Major Area
    Electrical Power System
    Smart Grid
    Renewable Energy
    Battery Energy Storage System

    Educational Background
    • Sep 1989 - June 1993

      Ph.D. Electrical Engineering/The Ohio State University

    • Sep 1985 - Aug 1989

      M.S. Electrical Engineering/The Ohio State University

    • Mar 1981 - Feb 1985

      B.S. Electrical Engineering/Seoul National University

    Professional Experiences
    • 2009 - present

      Member of Presidential Committee of Green Growth

    • 2009 - present

      Advisor for Ministry of Knowledge Economy

    • 2009 -

      presentMember of Electric Power Policy Committee

    • 2007 - 2008

      Member of Electricity Regulatory Commission

    • 2012 - present

      Executive Director of Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

    • 2011 - present

      Executive Director of Korea Smart Grid Institute

    • 2009 - present

      Member of Advisory Committee, Korea Electrical Safety Corporation

  • 연사 이미지12
    Song, Il Keun
    SG Program Manager and a Chief researcher at Smart Energy lab, KEPCO Research Institute
    Il-Keun Song was born in Daejeon, Korea, 1961. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, in 1984, 1986 and 1997, respectively. He is currently a chief researcher and project leader at Transmission and Distribution Lab. in KEPCO Research Institute. His areas of interest include the smart distribution management system and the lifetime estimation of power distribution facilities.
  • 연사 이미지13
    Jeff Lee
    Executive of Global Energy & Uitility Asset, IBM
    Jeff’s current role is Energy and Utilities Growth Markets Leader. Growth Markets cover all Asia (except Japan), South America, Easter Europe, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and the Middle East He is responsible for IBM’s E&U business in 140 countries. He also is the Global Energy Solutions leader for IBM. This job is managing and developing the IBM Energy solutions, R&D, product solutions and project assets across the energy industry.

    He has been in the utility industry since 1991 in various sales, management and consulting roles.

    Jeff also is involved with a number of Industry associations including the Global Smart Grid Foundation. He is also a founder and board member of Smart Grid Australia.

    Prior to working in the energy industry, Jeff ran his own consulting services company, which grew to over 120 people before being sold to a UK company.

    Jeff has a previous IBM career including senior management roles in Australia, Asia and USA. He has a BSc from the University of New South Wales and has completed short courses at Harvard (twice), Insead, and Brookings Institute-Washington.

    Privately he is married with two adult children. His interests outside work include skiing, bike riding, tennis, model building, and is a surf patrol member at his local Sydney beach
  • 연사 이미지14
    Park, Sang Doug
    MD, MKE Office of Strategic R&D Planning
    Park, Sang Doug is responsible for Energy R&D Planning in Office of Strategic R&D Planning, MKE. He is also leading the Korea - Micro Energy Grid Project.

    He has a distinguished career in Korea’s Electric Power industry. He had been involved Ko-Ri Nuclear Power Plant initial start-up and operation for 8 years. He also took part in designing Next Generation Reactor (APR-1400) as well as nuclear safety analysis, human performance enhancement issues, etc.

    He was in charge of R&D Planning at KEPRI and KEPCO home office for 10 years. Since he had directed KEPCO Research Institute as the president he has wide and deep experience on energy research.

    He received his BS in Nuclear Engineering from Seoul National University and Ph.D in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan.
  • 연사 이미지15
    Peter Asmus
    Senior Analyst, Pike Research
    Consultant/Analyst/Author with 25 years of experience in sustainable energy solutions, smart grid technologies and corporate social responsibility. My skills include public policy and market analysis, public relations, media strategy, advocacy journalism, stakeholder engagement, website development, and writing of commentaries, journal articles and books.

    Author of the 2009 book Introduction to Energy in California for the University of California Press

    Author of Reaping the Wind: How Mechanical Wizards, Visionaries and Profiteers Helped Shape our Energy Future (Island Press, Fall 2000). The book chronicles the emergence of wind power technology as the fastest growing power source in the world.

    Co-author, with Ed Smeloff, of Reinventing Electric Utilities: Competition, Citizen Action and Clean Power (Island Press, 1997). Forward written by Amory Lovins.

    Co-author, with Bruce Piasecki, of In Search of Environmental Excellence (Simon & Schuster, 1990). The Christian Science Monitor picked this book, as the best political book about the environment in 1990. Gregg Easterbrook also recognized it as one of the most important books on the environment in the 20th century.


    Editing of technical papers on energy policy for California Energy Commission, California Air Resources Board and Booz Allen Hamilton.

    Writer of speeches, op-eds and reports for the Governor’s Wind Energy Coalition.

    Media communications consulting services for the Future 500, an organization pioneering stakeholder engagement services to advance the cause of sustainability.

    Lead author of report on new solar energy models funded by Marin Community Foundation.

    Regular contributor to Business Ethics magazine (now CRO), a leading voice on issues of corporate social responsibility. Wrote the “Top 100 Corporate Citizens” story in 2003, 2004 and 2005.

    Editor of the Clean Power Journal, a national newsletter published by the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT), a non-profit organization comprised of leading environmental groups, private sector renewable energy and energy efficiency companies.

    Assistant Editor of California Policy Choices, an annual book published by the University of Southern California and underwritten by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

    U.S. stringer for Windpower Monthly, an international wind power trade magazine, between 1995 and 1998.

    Stringer for McGraw Hill’s energy and waste management business trade press newsletters such as Electric Utility Week, between 1987 and 1997.

    Investigative reporting stories, features and commentaries were published in The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner, The Sacramento Bee, San Jose Mercury News, San Diego Union-Tribune, Seattle Times, Christian Science Monitor, Houston Chronicle, Austin Statesman, green@work, Renewable Energy World, Re-Focus, Public Utilities Fortnightly, California Journal, The Electricity Journal, E Magazine and other newspapers, magazines and journals. Stories also syndicated through Pacific News Service, America’s News Service and the New York Times syndicate.

    Past Consulting Clients
    Businesses for Social Responsibility, Greener World Media, General Electric, BP Alternative Energy, Clipper Wind, SunPower, American Wind Energy Association, Local Government Commission, Center for Resource Solutions, California Solar Energy Industries Association, California State Joint Committee on Energy Regulation and the Environment, Independent Energy Producers, Pace University Energy Project, Renewable Energy Policy Project, Natural Resources Defense Council, Consumers Union, Global Greens, Green Mountain Energy, and the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates.

    University of Wisconsin-Madison: BA in Journalism; Minor in Communications Arts
    University of Southern California, School of Public Administration, MA courses
  • 연사 이미지16
    Yoon, Yong Tae
    professor, Seoul University
    Associate Professor in School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Since April 2008 - present
    Research focuses on Smart Grid Architecture, Electric Power Network Economics: Real-time Pricing, Demand Response, and Incentive Regulation of Independent Transmission Company.

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Electrical Engineering, May 2001 - January 2002 .
    Research focuses on transmission provision and pricing for the changing electric power industry.

    Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering April 2001.
    Thesis: Electric Power Network Economics: Designing Principles for a For-profit Independent Transmission Company and Underlying Architectures for Reliability.

    M.Eng. degree and S.B. degree in Electrical Engineering February 1997
    Thesis: Enhancements of Electric Power Systems Operation Using Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Devices

    S.B. degree in Applied Mathematics June 1995
    Courses include nonlinear system dynamics, optimization, combinatorial analysis, algebraic analysis.
    Research Experience
    Assistant Professor in School of Electrical and Computer Science March 2004 - March 2008
    Research focuses on Electric Power Systems Reliability and Demand Response.

    Assistant Professor in School of Electrical and Computer Science January 2002 - February 2004
    Research focuses on Large Scale System Dynamics and Control.

    MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Cambridge, MA USA
    Advisor: Dr. M. Ilic´, May 2001 - December 2001
    Study intelligent bidding of electricity supplier by solving unit commitment problem. Construct stochastic system models describing various energy markets, and examine temporal and spatial dynamics among those markets; the emphasis is on developing concepts for transmission provision and pricing for the changing electric power industry. Develop investment strategies for relating generation plant sitings and transmission expansions
  • 연사 이미지17
    Seo, Kwang Hyun
    Administrator, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards
    Ph.D. in Engineering, Korea University, Korea

    Professional Experience

    Administrator, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) (At present)

    Director General for Korea Post, MKE

    IT Policy Consultant of the World Bank

  • 연사 이미지18
    Park, Ji Sik
    SG Coordinator, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards
  • 연사 이미지19
    Samuel C. Sciacca
    President, SCS Consulting, LLC
    SCS Consulting, LLC
    President - Providing consulting services in power, energy and industry, primarily in Smart Grid strategies, utility automation, protection and control, and cyber security.

    CG Automation Systems USA Inc (formerly Microsol, Inc.)
    Chief Executive Officer - Responsible for all aspects of Americas Smart Grid business unit of a multinational electric utility product and services company. Key member of global corporate product and service planning team, acquisition and merger identification team, technical due diligence team. Major career highlights:

    Author of CG Global Smart Grid Strategy roadmap for North and South America.

    Technology lead for group-wide integration of products and services across multiple/independent organizations.

    Negotiator of strategic partnerships to expand Smart Grid market penetration.

    Process owner for the development and execution of Smart Grid product and service offerings for Americas market space.

    Automation Technologies and Services
    President, Founder and Owner - Created and managed multi-office firm to provide Smart Grid system design, engineering, and utility executive consulting, in North America. Negotiated successful merger with European equipment/system vendor to open up North American utility market to Smart Grid products and services.

    General Electric, Distributed Automation Products Division
    Responsible for all commercial activities in Northeastern United States and Caribbean, including proposal generation, product presentation, staffing and presentation development. Successes include some of the largest Substation and Distribution Automation projects in North America.

    Tasnet Inc. 1989 - 1992
    Vice President, Marketing for successful start-up company focused in substation automation equipment, remote terminal units, and sequential event recorders.

    NITECH, Inc. (Subsidiary of National Grid)
    EMS Market Manager/Product Manager- Developed product planning and development for dynamic line rating and real time monitoring for the EMS/SCADA market in the United States. Activities included product specification, testing specifications, development of field trials, formal reports. Commercial activities included rep product training, ad¬vertisement strategy and development, brochure development, public relations and sales presentations.

    Manager, International Sales
    Concurrent with the above position, responsible to establish sales and sales network in selected foreign countries. Success achieved in Belgium, Spain, Philippines, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Norway, Finland, Argentina, Venezuela, Switzerland and Holland.

    GROUP FOUR (Subsidiary of Gilbert/Commonwealth)

    Managing Director
    Assembled a multi-company consortium to develop executive consulting and strategic planning for electric, gas and pipeline companies in the field of fiber-optic telecommunications. Group Four advised senior executives (CEO, COO, CFO, VP) on the technical, commercial and legal issues involved in diversification into commercial telecommunications and assisted in business plan development of those ventures.

    Ever-increasing roles of responsibility starting as a project engineer and ending as Program Manager. Highlights of career at G/C include SCADA field engineer for Egyptian National Energy Control Center Project, Relay and Control Engineer, Saudi Consolidated Electric Co, Marketing Manager for Energy Transport Division, and Program Manager for G/C Utility Telecommunications Program. Served as principal engineer/professional engineer in the following areas:

    SCADA/Energy Management

    Relaying and Control

    Electric Utility Communications


    B.S.E.E. Power System Analysis, Clarkson University

    Fundamentals of Microcomputers, AIPE

    Radio Frequency Television Interference in Power Systems IEEE

    Effective Presentations - Myles Martel

    Problem Solving and Decision Making Analysis - Kepner Tregoe Strategic Selling


    Registered Professional Engineer


    IEEE-Standards Association Board of Directors

    IEEE Standards Association Review Committee

    IEEE Standards Association Audit Committee

    IEEE Standards Association Procedures Committee

    IEEE Standards Association New Standards Committee

    IEEE Smart Grid Interoperability Task Force 1 (Power Engineering) Chair

    Standards Coordinating Committee on Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage

    Chair, PES Computer Applications/Cyber Security in Substation Automation

    International Electrotechnical Committee TC57 Working Group 11

    Power System Communication Committee

    Power System Relay Committee

  • 연사 이미지20
    Richard Schomberg
    Chairman, IEC SMB SG3
    He is president elect at IEC in charge of “System aspects for energy delivery” and chair the IEC Smart Grid Strategic Group [http://www.iec.ch/zone/smartgrid/]. Recipient of the IEC 2011 Lord Kelvin award. He has designed multimillion dollars complex systems for critical operations. He has been for 6 years Professor of Master degree System Engineering at Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Paris), and Chair of the Intelligrid Architecture and Strategy Committee (Electric Power Research Institute).

    He has been appointed member of the Technology Advisory Board of Southern California Edison Smart Grid and SmartConnect, emeritus member of the US DoE Gridwise Architecture Council.

    He had the responsibility of EDF R&D activities in North America (strategic innovation partnerships with scientific/industrial players). He has been sourcing and transferring innovations to EDF Group in Europe. He is currently in charge of developing the strategy and coordinating Smart Energy Standardization activities across EDF Group.
  • 연사 이미지21
    Park, Yong Ha
    Smart Grid Business Department Manager/MBB, POSCO ICT
    Hanyang University, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (February 1987)
    Soongsil University, Master of Semiconductor Engineering (September 1991)

    POSCO ICT (POSCON) November 1991 ~ Present
    Smart Grid Business Department Manager
    Certified POSCO MBB, 7th class October 2005

    ■ Tips About Life
    1. It’s better to get it over with: Pioneer lives a hard life, but his name remains. Also, the one benefits from the middle of trend.
    2. Accept diversity: Things has diversity. None of them are alike. One should acknowledge the difference in characteristics, and competence and response to them.
    3. Standardize/Systemize: One should make effective use of collaboration, minimize unnecessary manual labor by systemization, and standardize repetitive tasks.
    4. Drop the task: If you understand 80% of assigned work and secure the professionalism, you should let your colleague or juniors take over the work and let them grow with it. This will give you time for a better opportunity to challenge a new task.


    Participate Jeju Smart Grid demonstration site project (2010.1)

    POSCO ICT Smart Grid Division Leader (2011.5)

    Member of Korea Smart Grid Association steering committee of education (2011.10)

    Member of Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering(KIEE) steering committee (2012.1)

    POSCO ICT Smart Grid Business Department Leader (2012.1)

  • 연사 이미지22
    Kim, Eung Sang
    Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
    Eung-Sang Kim was born in Yeosu, Korea, in 1962. He received the MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea, in 1991 and in 1997, respectively. Since 1991, he has been with the Department of Smart Distribution Research Center, Korea, Electro-technology Research Institute (KERI), Changwon, Korea, where he is currently a Principle Researcher and director. His primary areas of interest are interconnection to power system of Dispersed Generation and Storage System. He is an IEEE member.
  • 연사 이미지23
    Kai strubbe
    Head of Embedded System, TUV-SUD
    Education: 2006: PhD: Dr. rer. pol. at the department of economy of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern
    2005: Master in Industrial Engineering, Technical University of Kaiserslautern

    • As of 2010:

      Head of Embedded Systems

      TUV SUD AG, Munich

    • 2009 - 2010:

      Executive Assistant to the Board

      TUV SUD AG, Munich

    • 2007 - 2009:

      Consultant Automotive

      FOKUS Management Consulting AG, Sankt Gallen

    • 2004 - 2007:

      Research Assistant, Chair for Civil and Business Law, Technical University of Kaiserslautern

    Dr. Kai Strubbe joined TUV SUD AG in 2009 as executive assistant responsible for the development of a new corporate structure and a project mentoring of an international executive manager program. In 2010, he was promoted to Head of Embedded Systems focusing on the expansion of the international activities in the field of Smart Grid.

    As a consultant of FOCUS Management Consulting, Mr Strubbe managed international projects in the German automotive industry in the areas of sales, organization and country analysis. Prior to that, he worked as research assistant at the Chair for Civil and Business Law of the University of Kaiserslautern on strategic projects for various institutes and ministries.

    Project Selection

    Development of sales programs for new and pre-owned cars, Mercedes-Benz, Milano and Daimler AG, Stuttgart

    Feasibility Study for a Multi-Brand-Auto repair concept, BMW AG, Switzerland

    Strategic export policy for Chinese entrepreneurship, China Institute for World Trade Organization (WTO), China

    Application strategy in material research (Pilot artificial larynx), Institute for Composite Material und Westpfalz Clinic, Kaiserslautern

    Analysis of governmentally regulated supervisory systems, Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, Berlin

    Reform of the German Certification and Accreditation system, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), Bonn

    Dr. Strubbe is the author of several publications and scientific articles on the subject certification and accreditation of technical products, restructuring of the German conformity assessment system, patent valuation and product safety laws.
  • 연사 이미지24
    Rik Drummond
    Chair, Drummond Inc. SGIP
    As Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientist of Drummond Group, the trusted global interoperability certification authority, Rik Drummond has led the company's technical and research strategies while steering the company to constant growth and innovation. He is a widely respected thought leader in the eBusiness industry with over 30 years of experience and a driving force in the technical standards bodies and vertical industry groups supporting machine-to-machine interoperability.

    Founded in 1999, Drummond Group Inc. (DGI) is a leader in innovative, global software testing and acts as a catalyst to advance and tie together technologies, standards, security and interoperability in vertical industries - smart grid, automotive, health care, financial services, government, petroleum, pharmaceutical and retail. As a trusted, experienced and accredited interoperability test lab, the firm offers global test services through the product life cycle, including auditing, quality assurance, conformance and test consulting. Rik Drummond is a Governing Board member of the United States federal government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) representing stakeholders from the testing and certification industry. Additionally, Rik is in his second term as the Chair of one of three standing committees of SGIP - the Testing and Certification Committee.

    Rik, as the original chairman of the GridWise Architecture Council, guided and shaped the Council as one of the primary advocacy bodies for a smart electric grid. He remains an instrumental member in advancing the benefits of improving the interoperation between automation systems needed to enable smart grid applications. Rik demonstrated the courage to rally the thirteen members of the Architecture Council around notions of interoperability and the need to develop a crosscutting electricity community of people and organizations representing industrial system, buildings automation, home automation, and economic and regulatory policy in addition to electric service providers. The concept for a "constitution" of interoperability principles, the interview process to engage a larger community and the GridWise Constitutional Convention originated with Rik. Through his efforts with the GWAC, Rik was awarded the Smart Grid Award for "Outstanding Leadership in the Advancement of a Smart Grid."

    In his work with Drummond Group, Rik has a front seat view of enabling software/firmware vendors to develop and work together in the goal of interoperability; his "hands on" knowledge is immensely valuable. Drummond Group today provides interoperability certification for machine to machine (M2M) or business-to-business (B2B) standards which are used for the Fortune 500 financial information backbone, representing billions of dollars exchanged per year. Cyber security of data interoperability and transfer is critically tested. And his company also provides worldwide interoperability certification for other organizations such as Liberty Alliance for Identity information exchange for the US government and GS1 for 40 distributed databases worldwide for reconciling retail data from companies across the world.

    With Drummond Group's certifications programs involved in identity management, data synchronization, secure messaging, web services, and business processing, Rik offers a fresh, neutral approach for industries challenged by many stakeholders and political agendas. With a keen eye on driving adoption of common standards to build the necessary technology to support interoperability in industry and without bias towards an end result, he has experience with many industry groups to engage them in a collaborative process to drive interoperability in the market place.
  • 연사 이미지25
    You, Jong Geol
    Korea Testing Laboratory
    A position as a director of Electrics & Electronics Technology Center for Korea Testing Laboratory

    Test & Certificate Technologies ; Safety, Conformance, Interoperability, Reliability

    Work Experience
    • August 1991- present

      Korea Testing Laboratory

      Position: Director/Chief Engineer

    • March 2012 - present

      Smart Grid Coordination Group

      Position: Member of committee

    • April 2011 - present

      Asia Network Forum

      Position: Chairman of Technical committee

    • Doctor’s degree

      Dankook University

      Major: Electrical Engineering

    • Master’s degree

      Dankook University

      Major: Electrical Engineering

    • Bachelor’s degree

      Dankook University

      Major: Electrical Engineering

    Power Electronics, Smart Grid, EV




Korea Smart Grid Expo 2012 Results


  • Korea Smart Grid Expo 2012
  • 서울 코엑스 Hall C
  • 2012.10.30~11.2
  • 지식졍제부