Exhibition Overview
지능형소비자 Smart Place |
지능형 운송 Smart Transportation |
지능형 신재생에너지 Smart Renewable |
지능형 전력망 Smart Powergrid |
지능형 서비스 Smart Electricity Service |
기타 ETC. |
Booth layout
참가업체 리스트
Exhibitor List
No. | Booth No. | Exhibitor name (KOR) | Exhibitor name (ENG) |
1 | 강릉 저탄소 녹색 시범도시 | Gangneung Low-Carbon Green City | www.gangneung.go.kr |
2 | 국제표준협회 | IEEE STANDARDS ASSOCIATION | www.ieee.org |
3 | (주)나라컨트롤 | NARA Controls INC | www.naracontrols.co.kr |
4 | 넥서스커뮤니티 | NEXUSCOMMUNITY | www.nexus.co.kr |
5 | (주)넥스트이지 | NEXT EZ | http://nextez.co.kr |
6 | (주)누리텔레콤 | NURITelecom Co.,Ltd | www.nuritelecom.co.kr |
7 | (주)누리플랜 | Nuriplan Co.,Ltd | www.nuriplan.com |
8 | (주)대경엔지니어링 | Dae-kyung Engineering Co. | http://familydk.co.kr |
9 | 르노삼성자동차 | RENAULT SAMSUNG MOTORS | www.renaultsamsungm.com |
10 | 비손에너지(주) | PISHON ENERGY INC. | www.pishonenergy.co.kr |
11 | (주)비엠티 | BMT Co.,Ltd. | www.superlok.com |
12 | 삼성물산(주) | Samsung C&T Corporation | www.samsungcnt.co.kr |
13 | 삼성에스디아이(주) | SAMSUNG SDI CO., LTD. | www.samsungsdi.co.kr |
14 | (주)섬엔지니어링 | SUM Engineering | www.sumeng.co.kr |
15 | 세방전지(주) | SEBANG GLOBAL BATTERY CO., LTD. | www.gbattery.com |
16 | 세홍산업(주) | Sehong Industry Co.,Ltd. | www.sehong.net |
17 | 송암시스콤(주) | SONGAM SYSCOM | www.songam.co.kr |
18 | 스마트그리드 표준화 포럼 | Smart Grid Stardardization Forum | www.sgstandard.org |
19 | (주)스페이스원 | SpaceONE Co., Ltd. | http://youpepo.com |
20 | 시스넷시스템즈 | SYSNET Systems | - |
21 | 신보 | SHINBO | - |
22 | (주)아이비티 | IBT CO.,LTD. | www.rocketibt.co.kr |
23 | 암페놀 | Amphenol APG | www.amphenol.com.hk |
24 | 에너지코리아뉴스(CEO에너지) | CEO ENERGY | www.energykorea.co.kr |
25 | (주)에스에이치아이앤씨 | SH I&C Co., Ltd. | www.uisn.co.kr |
26 | S&T 모터스 | S&T MOTORS | www.hisntmotors.com |
27 | SK C&C | SK C&C | www.skcc.co.kr |
28 | SK이노베이션 | SK Innovation | www.skinnovation.com |
29 | AD모터스 | AD MOTORS | www.admotors.com |
30 | (주)에이치엠티 | HMT Co., Ltd. | www.e-hmt.kr |
31 | 엘에스산전 | LS IS | www.lsis.biz |
32 | 영광군 | Yeonggwang | www.yeonggwang.go.kr |
33 | 영국무역투자청 | UK TRADE & INVESTMENT | www.ukti.gov.uk |
34 | 옴니시스템(주) | OMNISYSTEM | www.omnisystem.co.kr |
35 | (주)우진산전 | WOOJIN Industrial System Co.,Ltd. | www.wjis.co.kr |
36 | (주)이디디 홀딩스 | EDD HOLDINGS | www.edd-holdings.com |
37 | 인텍에프에이 | Intech-FA | www.intech-fa.co.kr |
38 | (주)인포마인드 | INFOMIND | www.모바일솔루션.kr |
39 | 전기신문 | THE KOREA ELECTRIC TIMES | www.electimes.com |
40 | 전기자동차개조산업협회 | Electric Vehicle Conversion Industry Association | www.evcia.com |
41 | 전력신문 | ePnews | www.epnews.co.kr |
42 | 전우문화사(월간전기) | JEONWOO PUBLISHING CO. | www.energy.co.kr |
43 | (주)정도엔지니어링 | JUNGDO Engineering | - |
44 | (주)제니스텍 | ZENITHTEK CO.,LTD | www.zenithtek.co.kr |
45 | 제주대학교 LINC사업단 | Jeju National University LINC Institute | www.jejunu.ac.kr |
46 | 제주대학교 스마트그리드연구센터 | Jeju National University Smart Grid Research Center | www.jejunu.ac.kr |
47 | (주)제주전기자동차서비스 | Jeju Electric Vehicle Service | - |
48 | (재)제주테크노파크 | JEJU TECHNOPARK | www.jejutp.or.kr |
49 | 제주특별자치도 스마트그리드 기업컨소시엄 | Smart-Grid Industry Consortium of Jeju Island | www.jeju.go.kr |
50 | 주한 말레이시아 대사관 | MALAYSIA EXTERNAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MATRADE) | www.matrade.gov.my |
51 | 주한 우크라이나 대사관 | UKRAINE | www.mfa.gov.ua/korea/ua/ |
52 | 중앙제어주식회사 | JoongAng Control Co.,Ltd. | www.joas.co.kr |
53 | GS건설 | GS E&C | www.gsconst.co.kr |
54 | (주)진우소프트이노베이션 | JINWOO Soft Innovation | www.jinwoosi.co.kr |
55 | (주)케이디파워 | KD POWER CO., LTD | www.kdpower.co.kr |
56 | K-MEG 사업단 | K-MEG R&D Center | www.k-meg.org |
57 | (주)KT | KT Corporation | www.kt.com |
58 | (주)코디에스 | KODI-S | www.kodi-s.com |
59 | 코오롱글로벌(주) | KOLON GLOBAL | www.kolonglobal.com |
60 | 주식회사 탑글로리 | TOP GLORY | - |
61 | 텍사스인스트루먼트코리아(주) | Texas Instruments Korea Ltd. | www.ti.com |
62 | 특허청 | KOREA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE | www.kipo.go.kr |
63 | (주)티에스식스티즈 | TS60s System | www.ts60s.com |
64 | 티유브이 라인란드 코리아 | TUV Rheinland Korea | www.kor.tuv.com |
65 | 주식회사 파워테크 | POWERTECH CO.,LTD. | - |
66 | (주)파워프라자 | POWERPLAZA CO.,LTD | www.powerpolaza.co.kr |
67 | 펜실베니아 주정부 한국사무소 | PENNSYLVANIA | www.pennsylvania.or.kr |
68 | 포스코ICT | POSCO ICT | www.poscoict.co.kr |
69 | (주)피앤이솔루션 | PNE SOLUTION | www.pnesolution.com |
70 | (주)하이젠모터 | HIGEN MOTOR CO., LTD. | www.higenmotor.com |
71 | 한국 전력연구원 | KEPCO Research Institute | www.kepri.re.kr |
72 | 한국산업기술시험원 | Korea Testing Laboratory | www.ktl.re.kr |
73 | (주)한국에너지정보센터 | Korea Energy Center Co.,Ltd. | www.energycenter.co.kr |
74 | 한국인터넷빌링(주) | KOREA INTERNET BILLING CO.,LTD. | www.hanbill.com |
76 | 한국전력공사 | KEPCO | www.kepco.co.kr |
77 | 한전KDN | KEPCO KDN | www.kdn.com |
78 | 현대자동차(주) | HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY | www.hyundai.com |
79 | (주)효성 | HYOSUNG | www.hyosung.co.kr |
80 | British Gas Ltd. | British Gas Ltd. | www.britishgas.co.uk |
81 | Cornwall Council | Cornwall Council | www.cornwall.gov.uk |
82 | Eco Island | Eco Island | www.eco-island.org |
83 | REED EXHIBITON, Japan LTD | 3rd INT'L SMART GRID EXPO | www.smartgridexpo.jp/en/ |
84 | Smart Grid Gas | Smart Grid Gas | - |
85 | The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. | Smart Community Japan 2013 | www.nikkan.co.jp/eve/smart/ |
컨퍼런스 프로그램
Conference program
일정 | 주제 | 연사 | ||
일자 | 시간 | |||
10월 31일(수) (국제 스마트그리드 컨퍼런스) |
Prelude Session | |||
10:00~10:30 | 스마트그리드 정책 |
정승일 (에너지산업정책국장, 지식경제부) |
스마트그리드 정책 |
정용헌 (사무국장, ISGAN) |
10:30~11:20 | Smart Power와 미래 유틸리티 전망 |
Peter S. Fox-Penner (Chairman & Principal, Brattle Group) |
Session 1_SG실증 / Smart City | ||||
11:20~11:50 | 제주 SG실증 프로젝트 |
황우현 (스마트그리드추진실 팀장, 한국전력공사) |
11:50~12:20 | 미국 SG실증 프로젝트 |
Matt Wakefield (Senior Program Manager, EPRI) |
12:20~13:30 | 점심 | |||
13:30-14:00 | 영국 SG실증 프로젝트 : 저탄소 네트워크 펀드 프로젝트 |
David Green Founder & CEO, Eco-island Partnership CIC |
14:00~14:30 | 패널토의 |
좌장 문승일 (전기공학부 교수, 서울대학교) |
Session 2_SG RD&D | ||||
14:30~15:00 | 배전 첨단 기술 | Smart DMS 개발 및 사업화 전략 |
송일근 (송배전연구소 처장, 한국전력공사 전력연구원) |
15:00~15:30 | 글로벌 DMS 시장과 사업추진 전략 |
Jeff Lee (Energy & Utilities Growth Markets Leader, IBM) |
15:30~15:50 | Coffee Break | |||
15:50~16:20 | Global 배전 시장 : DMS/Micro Grid/Virtual Power Plant |
Peter Asmus (Senior Analyst, Pike Research) |
16:20~16:50 | KMEG 추진 방향 및 사업화 전략 |
박상덕 (MD, 지식경제 R&D 전략기획단) |
16:50~17:20 | 패널토의 |
좌장 윤용태 (전기공학부 교수, 서울대학교) |
18:00~20:30 | 네트워킹 디너 (초청자에 한함) | |||
11월 01일 (목) (국제 스마트그리드 표준협력 컨퍼런스) |
Prelude Session | |||
10:30~10:40 | 환영사 |
서광현 (기술표준원장, 지식경제부) |
Session 1_SG Coordinator | ||||
10:40~11:10 | 한국 SG 표준화 프레임위크 1.0 |
박지식 (SG표준코디네이터, 지식경제부 기술표준원) |
11:10~11:40 | IEEE-SA 스마트그리드 추진활동 |
Samuel C. Sciacca (Task Force 1 Co-chair, IEEE P2030) |
11:40~12:10 | IEC SG 표준화 프레임워크 2.0 |
Richard Schomberg (Chairman, IEC SG3) |
12:10~13:30 | 점심 | |||
Session 2_Key Standards | ||||
13:30~14:00 | 에너지 저장장치 기술 및 표준 현황 |
김응상 (스마트배전연구센터장, 한국전기연구원) |
14:00~14:30 | DER 표준현황 |
박용하 (스마트그리드 추진단장, 포스코ICT) |
14:30~14:50 | Coffee Break | |||
Session 3_Testing & Certification | ||||
14:50~15:20 | SG 상호 운용성 솔루션 |
Kai Strubbe (Head of Embedded System, TUV-SUD) |
15:20~15:50 | SGIP IPRM 2.0 추진현황 |
Rik Drummond (Chair of SGTCC, SGIP) |
15:50~16:20 | 한국의 SG 시험인증 추진방안 |
유종걸 (전기전자기술센터장, 한국산업기술시험원) |
17:30~20:30 | 만찬(초청장에 한함) |
Speaker introduction
Vice Minister for Trade and Energy, Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE)
CEO of Korea Industrial Complex Corporation
Deputy Minister for Industry, MKE
Director General for Industry and Knowledge Economy, MKE
Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Texas
M.A. in International Management Studies, University of Texas
B.A. in Law, Korea University
Vice Chairman & CEO, LS Industrial Systems
Vice Chairman, Global Smart Grid Federation
Chairman, Korea Smart Grid Association
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Korea University
Whimoon High School, Seoul, Korea
Appointed President & CEO, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
Advisor to Hyundai Engineering & Construction
Chairman, Korea Housing Association
Executive Vice President, Construction Association of Korea
Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration & Law,
President &CEO, Hyundai Engineering &Construction (E&C)
President & CEO, Hyundai Engineering
COO, Head of Housing & Development Division, Hyundai E&C
Head, Building Works Division, Hyundai E&C
Joined Hyundai E&C
Gold Tower, Order of Industrial Service Merit, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
Honorary Ph.D. in Business Management, Myongji University, Seoul, Korea
Silver Tower, Order of Industrial Service Merit, Ministry of Commerce, Industry
Electric utility restructuring
Antitrust, market power, and merger-related issues in regulated industries
Network and transmission pricing, access rules, and governance
Economic and policy issues in public interest utility programs
Load and sales forecasting, pricing, and new product analysis
Global climate change policies
Energy security policies and transportation energy use
Technology and market evaluations
Public policies towards new technologies and R&D
Energy efficiency-economics and policy
Oil market economic policy questions
Chung-Ang University, Electrical engineering (1983)
Han-Yang University, Master of Industrial Engineering (2000)
Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Technology (Data mining)
Japan, Kyushu Electirc Power Co., Inc, Training (1995)
New York(US), conEdison/Texas TXUED Electric Facilities Managing, Training(2006)
KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corportation, 1986~Present)
Government National Project Performance
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering/The Ohio State University
M.S. Electrical Engineering/The Ohio State University
B.S. Electrical Engineering/Seoul National University
Member of Presidential Committee of Green Growth
Advisor for Ministry of Knowledge Economy
presentMember of Electric Power Policy Committee
Member of Electricity Regulatory Commission
Executive Director of Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
Executive Director of Korea Smart Grid Institute
Member of Advisory Committee, Korea Electrical Safety Corporation
Editing of technical papers on energy policy for California Energy Commission, California Air Resources Board and Booz Allen Hamilton.
Writer of speeches, op-eds and reports for the Governor’s Wind Energy Coalition.
Media communications consulting services for the Future 500, an organization pioneering stakeholder engagement services to advance the cause of sustainability.
Lead author of report on new solar energy models funded by Marin Community Foundation.
Administrator, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE) (At present)
Director General for Korea Post, MKE
IT Policy Consultant of the World Bank
Author of CG Global Smart Grid Strategy roadmap for North and South America.
Technology lead for group-wide integration of products and services across multiple/independent organizations.
Negotiator of strategic partnerships to expand Smart Grid market penetration.
Process owner for the development and execution of Smart Grid product and service offerings for Americas market space.
SCADA/Energy Management
Relaying and Control
Electric Utility Communications
B.S.E.E. Power System Analysis, Clarkson University
Fundamentals of Microcomputers, AIPE
Radio Frequency Television Interference in Power Systems IEEE
Effective Presentations - Myles Martel
Problem Solving and Decision Making Analysis - Kepner Tregoe Strategic Selling
Registered Professional Engineer
IEEE-Standards Association Board of Directors
IEEE Standards Association Review Committee
IEEE Standards Association Audit Committee
IEEE Standards Association Procedures Committee
IEEE Standards Association New Standards Committee
IEEE Smart Grid Interoperability Task Force 1 (Power Engineering) Chair
Standards Coordinating Committee on Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics, Dispersed Generation, and Energy Storage
Chair, PES Computer Applications/Cyber Security in Substation Automation
International Electrotechnical Committee TC57 Working Group 11
Power System Communication Committee
Power System Relay Committee
Participate Jeju Smart Grid demonstration site project (2010.1)
POSCO ICT Smart Grid Division Leader (2011.5)
Member of Korea Smart Grid Association steering committee of education (2011.10)
Member of Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering(KIEE) steering committee (2012.1)
POSCO ICT Smart Grid Business Department Leader (2012.1)
Head of Embedded Systems
TUV SUD AG, Munich
Executive Assistant to the Board
TUV SUD AG, Munich
Consultant Automotive
FOKUS Management Consulting AG, Sankt Gallen
Research Assistant, Chair for Civil and Business Law, Technical University of Kaiserslautern
Development of sales programs for new and pre-owned cars, Mercedes-Benz, Milano and Daimler AG, Stuttgart
Feasibility Study for a Multi-Brand-Auto repair concept, BMW AG, Switzerland
Strategic export policy for Chinese entrepreneurship, China Institute for World Trade Organization (WTO), China
Application strategy in material research (Pilot artificial larynx), Institute for Composite Material und Westpfalz Clinic, Kaiserslautern
Analysis of governmentally regulated supervisory systems, Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, Berlin
Reform of the German Certification and Accreditation system, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), Bonn
Korea Testing Laboratory
Position: Director/Chief Engineer
Smart Grid Coordination Group
Position: Member of committee
Asia Network Forum
Position: Chairman of Technical committee
Dankook University
Major: Electrical Engineering
Dankook University
Major: Electrical Engineering
Dankook University
Major: Electrical Engineering